OCt 2000 ND not yet approved

Consider me too, My ND is Oct 16 I also talk to IIO my case has been assigned to officer 15 days bac

Me too (ND oct/03)

I talked today to an IIO and he told me that my case was in the final phase (?)
I asked if that means "assigned to an IIO" ... he said "I can\'t say it. But you will hear something in a month"
Any idea about "final phase"?
ND: OCT 16/00

Not approved yet. Officer said to call back after 30 days when called on Aug 24. She said "it\'s under review"
Count me in

On Friday lastweek I called IIO and she said my case is pending and not even assinged to an officer. She also asked me to wait for a month. My notice date is Oct 10th. I don\'t know what to do with VSC as they are approving in a very random manner. It is really frustrating and killing all our plans. Let God show mercy on those who are like me.
Why still ND: OCT2000 cases pending?

I see a bunch of october cases still pending on the line to be approved. INS has already approved many NOV00 and some March01 cases. It would make sense only if INS issues RFE(Request for Further Evidence) and press the wait button for the RFE cases. In many OCT00 cases, no RFE has been issued but still on waiting.

It\'ll be interesting if VSC updates the processing time as NOV or DEC 00, skipping OCT00.... I hope they clear OCT00 in a week or two. Till then, wait wait and wait.