oct 16 Rd approved in Rupnet.com


Registered Users (C)
I got a mail from Rupnet.com regarding this approval.(since my rd is also Oct'01)

Mail says:

User oldmonk with User Id : good2go , RD- 10/16/2001 in you RD month
group Updated his info with Approval Status
Please visit http://www.rupnet.com/immigration and click under his RD
month and year to see the details

Thank you

Details in rupnet:
PD: 04/17/2000
IND-NJ-EB3 Update 7/15/2002
incorrrect information

This "oldmonk" person probably is not aware of the difference between RD, ND and AD.

He/she has the AD and ND as 7/3/02.

My guess is that their ND (and not RD) is 10/16/01, which makes the RD sometime in the first week of August - which is consistent with the data we have seen so far.
I beg to differ

If you look at all the dates. The ND is given as 11/26/2001.
If you claim that the RD date is actually the ND date then what significance does the 11/26/2001 hold. Are you suggesting that it could be the EAD date.
Personally the entry looks quite legitimate to me, unless offcourse this person is just messing around
Looks strange to me

Well first of all he has given his last 5 chars of the EAC number. I dont think someone here will do that. There are a lot of people on this board who try 2-3 number above and below their EAC numbers. So it can be one of them. And then there is the ND problem.

I dont want to be the "half-empty" guy but I am not going to rely much on 'old monk' except for the rum :)

Peace Y'all. Best of luck
It can be True..

We have seen 2 sept. approvals in the month of May/June, Seen some Aug. approvals in June.
It is 100% possible that some IIO might have picked October case from the Rack.

Be positive
It could be true, but

the confusing part is that Oldmonk has the same ND and AD (7/3/02).

Obviously, Oldmonk can't have ND of 7/3/02 which is 9 months after the RD.

Anyway congratulations, Oldmonk!

greaty-k (if you read this thread), can I suggest that you either remove EAD column or move it after ND? It's a little confusing to me. - Thanks.
another oct. RD approval

I was at my attorney's office to find out some one whose RD is Oct. 26,2001 got GR approval on July 10th. Mine RD was several days earlier than him, but no luck.
In that experience oldmonk( if he is same as goodtogo) mentioned his application date somehwhere in Aug 2001. Which sounds ok and wouldn't be an october case.
"Oct 16 RD" ?

I sent my 485 on Oct 15 by FedEx, but could not be delivered into INS the next day because of INS closure due to Anthrax. Finally my application was delivered on Oct 17 (from FedEX trace) and it had Oct 18 ND. This is just my opinion-Oct 16 RD is ?.
I think You can figure his XX-XXX number, see below:

Firt XX is year which would 02, I think second XXX would number of working days from October 1 to his ND. which is Nov 26. Nonetheless,
I have Oct RD and my ND is Nov 23, my EAC is xx-xxx-54xxx. Since this person's ND is Nov 26, why his last number is lower than my number ?? I doubt that this is true..

Old Monk's details:
PD: 04/17/2000
IND-NJ-EB3 Update 7/15/2002
sorry guys..

Sorry guys..i didnt investigate this issue before i posted this message.. may be this guy's RD is Aug'01.
OCT 16 issue

I have sent him an email asking him to please confirm.

I'm sure he is not Oct RD. And as He said that his filing date was August 27/2001.
And his notice date and Ad are the same, which is not possible.
Lets wait for his reply. And act accordingly

The last five digits...

After reading some of your posts about the confusion arising because of his last four digits being out of sync with your expectation, I checked my own EAC #. Guess what? Although my ND is after gcwaiting-2001's, the last five digits are 52XXX (.
And, when I applied for EAD last month (and got it approved), I got an EAC# which was 51XXX.
And, for those of you who reckon VSC will assign different series of numbers based on the application, here is the kicker:
I applied for AP along with my 485 and both those numbers were only 7 numbers apart in the series (52XXX) and my EAD, as mentioned earlier, is in 51XXX series.
Another unsolved mystery out of VSC???
No mystery

no mystery it seems. Last 5 digits are not gauranteed to be unique (they are supposed to be unique only for that particular day,month ) and thats why you need the whole EAC number to check your stuff. Remember INS receives thousands of applications every day.