Oct 1 approaches – Please join in prayer.

Good Job


Indeed extremely well translated. You Know God will be extremely happy for u for you are propagating the "hymn" in English language so that even non-hindi speakers can recite.

In other words more people would be praying and God will perhaps then listen to our prayers.

good job!!! Very Impressive:cool: :cool:
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What a translation !!

OMG !! What a translation. Last night I paused a while and thought to translate it when Linda requested for the translation, but somehow I didn't dare to do that. I thought, it couldn't be translated. Wonderful job Tasse !!
Re: What a translation !!

Originally posted by DBM
OMG !! What a translation. Last night I paused a while and thought to translate it when Linda requested for the translation, but somehow I didn't dare to do that. I thought, it couldn't be translated. Wonderful job Tasse !!

One word for you GOOGLE

Here you go http://www.bhanot.net/bhaj21.html

Not knocking Tasse for taking the initiative to post the translation (Thanks Tasse - although bad of you not to give credit where credit is due), but just laughing :D at the people who wouldn't look to see if someone else has done it first before breaking the earth themselves.

On a side note! One of my Professors once told me,
Good programmers write good code, but great programmers copy good code!
:D :D :D
Re: Re: What a translation !!

140_takes_4ever, you are right I'm not certified translator I just have Advance Google User certificate :p
Re: Re: Re: What a translation !!

Originally posted by Tasse
just have Advance Google User certificate :p

:) It is definitely being put to good use!

Thanks for the translation though! I like that prayer and it is nice to read it in English as well!
Originally posted by wowgc
Why cann't we maintain some decency in our language. Atleast not to make direct attack on the Officials.

If someone should be upset about my statement at all, it should be the DOG!!
My apologies to all dogs for comparing them with ash boy!!
wowgc, don't worry, ashcroft is not gonna read this thread and approve your GC sooner than mine. So stop being a saint.
wowgc....This is ashcrupt...brother of ashcroft...I am happy that you are respecting your officials...Can you pls send me some moni now....

Originally posted by wowgc
Why cann't we maintain some decency in our language. Atleast not to make direct attack on the Officials.
not an atheist.. but...

i know we are all praying to god.. but what if its the DEVIL thats controlling the entire process?? ;-)))))) ...

sorry im just a poor software engineer who needs to look at all the 'corner cases' :)