OCT-02 filers and 2nd FP notice.

Oct'02 - FP2


I am told and few forum posting also suggest that everycase may not get FP2 after 15Mon.

Best of luck everyone...and wish me good luck

I am waiting too. mine FP expired just last week. Don't know what is waiting period for approval or 2nd ????????????????????FP???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Somehow I got my second.. Actually I did third one but I just didn't mention it in my signature(two months after the second one they send me the third fp notice) .. I hope you guys will get apoproved without doing the second one..
looks like OCT 02 approvals r coming in.

Will we be lucky to get approved in the 1st batch or like the rest of the RD's wait forever ?

Who knows ?