OCI - Washington DC Tracker

Awesome, Wife and kids all status to GRANTED as of 11/20...

10/21/2010: Ack'ed
11/11/2010: Scanned
11/20/2010: Granted

Kids (2):
11/03/2010: Ack'ed
11/15/2010: Scanned
11/20/2010: Granted

Are they really working on Saturday?
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It looks like process is slightly changed.

My case was similar to yours. My application has reached on 9/9 but was acknowledged after 9 weeks.

Presently, I have cleared the photo scan stage.

In the mean time I have received the SC and cancelled indian passports.



I applied for my OCI and SC together in sept 17/2010 and
Date Of Acknowledgment
Application Status
Registration Status
but today i received my SC and Indian PP through UPSis this normal? and my wife's status is like this Date Of Acknowledgment
Application Status
Photo/Signature Scanned On
Registration Status
Awesome, Wife and kids all status to GRANTED as of 11/20...
Great. Seems the process is pile up and then go work on it till the next pile is overflowing .. LOL

BTW, I have not recd. my cancelled passport or the surrender certs. 6+ weeks now. Any ideas or issue to be concerned about?

Great. Seems the process is pile up and then go work on it till the next pile is overflowing .. LOL

BTW, I have not recd. my cancelled passport or the surrender certs. 6+ weeks now. Any ideas or issue to be concerned about?


LOL I don't think you need to worry about your canceled passport or SC as they might send it along with your OCI booklet, if they haven't sent it to you yet.
arlen, your current status for OCI is just like mine, except that my family's application was received at washington long time back. They just sat with it.
Hopefully everyone's gets done faster.
In the meanwhile I have a question. We need to go to India urgently. Since we did not get OCI, we will have to get Entry Visa. My husband and I are of indian origin. Can my husband go personally to Washington DC to get entry visa for all of us (me and kid also)? Or do we need to go along with him to DC? Please suggest.
My colleagues (VM,Kakku,User99 and others in our group), happy to say that I received the stamped US Passports & OCI booklets, together with canceled Indian Passport for self & my wife. Did not receive any paperwork on the SC, not sure if I am expected to receive - can anyone comment for those who received SC - whether there any additional paperwork that you get ? Thanks.
It's almost 3 months from start to finish and would like to thank all the posts...it helps keep our sanity in this OCI process.
FEDerico U.
Not yet, will let u know/group as soon as it comes in.
OCI delivered !!

Here is my timeline

Aug 20, 2010 - Mailed
Aug 23, 2010 - Received at DC
Aug 31, 2010 - Date of acknowledgment
Sep 15, 2010 - Photo/Signature Scanned
Sep 29, 2010 - Registration Granted
Oct 18, 2010 - Document printed
Oct 20, 2010 - Document dispatched to Concerned Mission/Office
Nov 9, 2010 - Documents received at washington, DC
Nov 23, 2010 - OCI delivered
Congrats Fedupuser and Jaigc. I am hoping mine has arrived aswell.

I have never been so excited to check my mailbox. Its usually junk mail and BILLS. Thats the first thing i am doing after i get home today!;)

Fedup..i think your US passport should have an entire page that should now be occupied with the OCI information. (just like a visa page). some say you get a booklet with it too.

Congrats and Cheers once again!
My colleagues (VM,Kakku,User99 and others in our group), happy to say that I received the stamped US Passports & OCI booklets, together with canceled Indian Passport for self & my wife. Did not receive any paperwork on the SC, not sure if I am expected to receive - can anyone comment for those who received SC - whether there any additional paperwork that you get ? Thanks.
It's almost 3 months from start to finish and would like to thank all the posts...it helps keep our sanity in this OCI process.
FEDerico U.

Congrats Fedup

I think mine arrived too. I just missed the UPS guy and saw the delivery attempt notice on my door. On phone with UPS to see if they can attempt a second delivery today.

It has been good sharing the ride with you, kakku, vm and others.

Good luck
Guys All,
I did receive all the US passports stamped for me and my family with OCI cards and Indian passport for me and my wife cancelled stamp due to "US Citizenship" at 10.00 AM BUT didn't receive SC along with it, is it a new trend not to send it or the new chase begins for that.
I have never been so excited to check my mailbox. Its usually junk mail and BILLS. Thats the first thing i am doing after i get home today!;)

Why would you look in the mail box??? They send through UPS no matter how you have sent them, look for sticker on the door if you missed the UPS guy.
Congratulations Everyone (Fedup, JaiGC, Fu99 and Kakku82). Looks like our group chase is over and I have just read the forum, a second group is formed whose application is "Granted" status. Good luck guys/
SC question

Guys All,
I did receive all the US passports stamped for me and my family with OCI cards and Indian passport for me and my wife cancelled stamp due to "US Citizenship" at 10.00 AM BUT didn't receive SC along with it, is it a new trend not to send it or the new chase begins for that.

I got my citizenship in 2006. At that time my indian passport was stamped 'Canceled. Acquired US Citizenship'.

Do I still need to get Surrender Certificate? I thought I will not require that as I will be grandfathered in using old rules.

Just checking to make sure I wrap this up without any loose ends.

All is finally well for so many of us today :) Congrats to all of you (you know who you are) for getting your OCI process completed in last couple of days.
Hello guys, Contratulations for getting the OCI. The OCI Journey ends here for you.

As no one is at my home, I dont know whether I got mine or not. Do all of you received your OCI / Passport in UPS?

I am really excited. I need to go home and check in the evening. Hope I have received my OCI.

Why would you look in the mail box??? They send through UPS no matter how you have sent them, look for sticker on the door if you missed the UPS guy.

Thats "egg jet liii" what i meant. i have never had so much anticipation for mail to arrive.
I got my citizenship in 2006. At that time my indian passport was stamped 'Canceled. Acquired US Citizenship'.

Do I still need to get Surrender Certificate? I thought I will not require that as I will be grandfathered in using old rules.

Just checking to make sure I wrap this up without any loose ends.


The "cancelled- acquired US citizenship" stamp is your SC. I became a citizen in 2005 and have the same stamp. You do not need to apply for an SC. Congrats, once again!
The "cancelled- acquired US citizenship" stamp is your SC. I became a citizen in 2005 and have the same stamp. You do not need to apply for an SC. Congrats, once again!

UPS was kind enough to make a 2nd attempt the same day. I got my PP, OCI booklets for myself, wife and 2 kids.

The whole process took 3 months to the date.
8/23/10 - OnLine Registration
8/24/10 - Mailed Application
8/25/10 - Application Received by Embassy
9/23/10 - Application Acknowledged
10/8/10 - Photo Scanned
10/16/10 - Registration Status Granted
10/23/10 - Document Printed
10/27/10 - Document Sent From India
11/09/10 - Document Reached DC
11/09/10 - Mailed US Passports for getting OCI Sticker
11/12/10 - US PP reached Embassy
11/23/10 - Passports received with OCI stamp, OCI booklet, cancelled Indian Visa etc.

It has been fun ride.

Kakku, VM, Murthy, Fedup and others in our group, Congratulations on getting your OCIs. Good luck for all other who are in various stages of the process.

I will be scanning this forum regularly to see if I can help anyone.

Thanks for all the help and encouragement I got in this forum.
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UPS was kind enough to make a 2nd attempt the same day. I got my PP, OCI booklets for myself, wife and 2 kids.

The whole process took 3 months to the date.
8/23/10 - OnLine Registration
8/24/10 - Mailed Application
8/25/10 - Application Received by Embassy
9/23/10 - Application Acknowledged
10/8/10 - Photo Scanned
10/16/10 - Registration Status Granted
10/23/10 - Document Printed
10/27/10 - Document Sent From India
11/09/10 - Document Reached DC
11/09/10 - Mailed US Passports for getting OCI Sticker
11/12/10 - US PP reached Embassy
11/23/10 - Passports received with OCI stamp, OCI booklet, cancelled Indian Visa etc.

It has been fun ride.

Kakku, VM, Murthy, Fedup and others in our group, Congratulations on getting your OCIs. Good luck for all other who are in various stages of the process.

I will be scanning this forum regularly to see if I can help anyone.

Thanks for all the help and encouragement I got in this forum.
Can you please tell who should sign the kids's SC form?

I have to apply SC and OCI for my 14 year old and no I read all the forums/emmbassy sites but no clue if kid can sign nor not sign.

thank a lot.
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i replied to your email.

Yes kids can sign if they want. Either you ask them to sign or affix their thumb print. Since their signature will be printed under their picture on the OCI booklet, it might make sense to make them sign it.

FYI for others. I asked both my kids to practice their signatures on a piece of paper several times till they can reproduce it with consistent look. I then asked them to signed directly in the box on the application. NO THUMB PRINTS NEEDED.

The older one signed his name full (firstname lastname). The younger one signed first initial.lastname

Both are ok.

The only thing that probably matters is that they should be able to reproduce them if it is needed for any unknown future purposes.