oci visa sticker Question


Registered Users (C)
Does Anybody notice that in the OCI VISA sticker, they print names
not according to the title, in my sticker I saw that Given Name/Surnames
were switched meaning Surname become Given name and Given name become

I am wondering it is same for everyone, because on the OCI booklet, they
print it exactly as what have given and match the US passport whereas
on the OCI visa sticker it is not matching with the title specified.

Any comments.
My OCI sticker and OCI booklet are same as yours. So I think everybody's is like that.

If you look at the bottom of the OCI sticker you will the machine scanable part of the sticker has Last Name, First Name and Middle name in that order.

So we should be good.
My OCI sticker and OCI booklet are same as yours. So I think everybody's is like that.

If you look at the bottom of the OCI sticker you will the machine scanable part of the sticker has Last Name, First Name and Middle name in that order.

So we should be good.

Thanks for the reply, I also thought like, but wanted to share my comments
with this forumn, so that atleast to find out it is same for everyone
and also I am wondering how such a mistake they left to occur and did not
OCI sticker is only like that in my US passport. I think that's the std method they follow.