OCI Miscellaneous Service & Surrender Certificate


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I have applied for OCI Misc. Services for my 5-year-old son to get the OCI re-issued after getting a new US passport. My son was born here in NY and never held an Indian passport.

The application has been acknowledged but the CGINY website is not clear on the surrender certificate for OCI Misc. services. The main OCI section on the website has been updated to include Surrender Certificate with the rest of the initial OCI application but in the Misc. Services section there is no mention of Surrender Certificate.

Anybody going through OCI Misc. Services? Please share your experiences.
Hi, I just filed for my daughter, who is also born in USA and never had any indian passport.. I also got the same email. Can any one help what is needed? What I don't understand is why thet are sending "surrender passport notice" when she wasn't an Indian citizen ever.

Is the surrender passport notice for the parent(s) as that is the basis for getting the OCI of US born child???

Hi, I just filed for my daughter, who is also born in USA and never had any indian passport.. I also got the same email. Can any one help what is needed? What I don't understand is why thet are sending "surrender passport notice" when she wasn't an Indian citizen ever.

Is the surrender passport notice for the parent(s) as that is the basis for getting the OCI of US born child???

I read the e-mail that I received from Mr. Bajaj carefully and here is what it says........

"............This is not applicable to the foreign-born children who never held Indian passports. However, their parents held the Indian citizenship in the past and they are advised to obtain the Surrender Certificate for future reference."

Although the e-mail clearly says it is not applicable to the foreign-born children I would not take it at face value knowing how the consulate can choose words that can be confusing even when it is clear! :)

I am tracking the progress of other applications that are around my son's application. I have e-mailed Vice Consul Ms. Kumar and I will share her response(If I am lucky enough to hear back from her) :)
Thanks but when it says "However, their parents held the Indian citizenship in the past and they are advised to obtain the Surrender Certificate for future reference." why do they stop our application and have paren surrender passport now. Future refrenece should mean that I can do it when I want/need.

This is just a scam to make more money. What about those who have taken OCI in past and don't have kids.. haha
I got my OCI booklet and OCI visa on May 5th. The Indian passport is canceled as well. Do I still need to send out the form for surrender certificate and $175?
I got my OCI booklet and OCI visa on May 5th. The Indian passport is canceled as well. Do I still need to send out the form for surrender certificate and $175?

Well, I would say you don't have to atleast for now! But remember if you ever have to deal with Indian Consulate in future(and I am pretty sure we all will have to one way or another sometime) they WILL demand you produce your surrender certificate if you have to avail any consular services. If you don't have the surrender certificate at that time you may have to get it at that time and who knows a monetary penalty may be imposed because you failed to get the surrender certificate earlier.

The boogey man that the Indian Consulate is never stops chasing you! Reminds me of the good old saying in the west "You can run, but you cannot hide!" Good luck guys. We are not over with these goons yet.
What is Surrender Certificate? why the Indian passport (that was issued and honored) does not work?

Does this mean that one has to physically present in Consular's office and sign before consular? Why it is
required now (after issuing thousands of OCI before)? Why passport is not sufficient?
Does the administration know what they are doing?