OCI - Chicago Tracker

today I received my US passport with stamps and OCIs via USPS Express mail. finally done in almost under 3 months. good luck to all.

I must say CGI Chicago is now doing faster... see my case it was both SC+OCI and done in under 3 months.
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4 months ? I guess when you are waiting, waiting and waiting 3 months could actually seem like 4, eh ? This achievement just brought you closer to visits to India to suffer/enjoy such an experience. Congratulations, I suppose !!
4 months ? I guess when you are waiting, waiting and waiting 3 months could actually seem like 4, eh ? This achievement just brought you closer to visits to India to suffer/enjoy such an experience. Congratulations, I suppose !!

oops!!! corrected. Thanks.
Yes...3 to 4 months is about the time it takes... Hopefully when eventually ( with GoI implementation it could be a very Looooong eventually ) when they merge the PIO and OCI, we'd have a faster, smoother and hiccup free process.

Application Sent 12-OCT-2010
Date Of Acknowledgment 07-DEC-2010
Application Status
Photo/Signature Scanned On 17-DEC-2010
Registration Status Granted On 09-JAN-2011
Documents Printing Status PRINTED
Documents Printed On 10-JAN-2011
.....seems like I had crossed the critical "Not MAN, but Machine" Print Rejection Hurdle !!

My photo technique was a blue wrinkle free cotton cloth draped on a door for background and a photo using a digital camera on a tripod and the self-timer set at 10 seconds. Took a few tries to get a jpeg file with almost an imperceptible shadow. Then using epassportphoto.com, I made the required 3.5 cm square format, and using Target Store printer, I made the 4x6" print with 8 photos on it.
Yes...3 to 4 months is about the time it takes... Hopefully when eventually ( with GoI implementation it could be a very Looooong eventually ) when they merge the PIO and OCI, we'd have a faster, smoother and hiccup free process.

Application Sent 12-OCT-2010
Date Of Acknowledgment 07-DEC-2010
Application Status
Photo/Signature Scanned On 17-DEC-2010
Registration Status Granted On 09-JAN-2011
Documents Printing Status PRINTED
Documents Printed On 10-JAN-2011
.....seems like I had crossed the critical "Not MAN, but Machine" Print Rejection Hurdle !!

My photo technique was a blue wrinkle free cotton cloth draped on a door for background and a photo using a digital camera on a tripod and the self-timer set at 10 seconds. Took a few tries to get a jpeg file with almost an imperceptible shadow. Then using epassportphoto.com, I made the required 3.5 cm square format, and using Target Store printer, I made the 4x6" print with 8 photos on it.
you are on your way. Thanks for sharing time line.
At last docs reached Chicago. I will collect in person in the new year. No hurry waiting for good weather to drive. I could make it for tomorrow but the Consulate is open 0900-1100 and do not want to risk the travel and told to come later.

application sent 09/15/2010
application recd 09/17/2010
Acknowledged 12/01/2010
photo scanned 12/03/2010
regn status 12/04/2010
docs printed 12/09/2010
sent from India 12/14/2010
recd chicago 12/30/2010
Why did it take 16 days for OCI to reach Chicago, GOK/ snail mail.

Sorry for delayed post. On 31st Dec morning we decided to take a chance. We were up by 5.00 am and reached the Chicago consulate at 1000. After handing over our docs planned to check-in a hotel and collect OCI in the evening. But oh la la. We were told to wait in the Consulate itself and collect the documents. They were not working in the afternoon. Their working was from 0900 to 1100 that day. Lucky for us collected docs, had new year bash in downtown before we returned to Mi on Sunday.

I must mention about girls manning the OCI counter, they were very courteous and helpful. They were good in their work and fast. In the end "All izz well"

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Yes...3 to 4 months is about the time it takes... Hopefully when eventually ( with GoI implementation it could be a very Looooong eventually ) when they merge the PIO and OCI, we'd have a faster, smoother and hiccup free process.

Application Sent 12-OCT-2010
Date Of Acknowledgment 07-DEC-2010
Application Status
Photo/Signature Scanned On 17-DEC-2010
Registration Status Granted On 09-JAN-2011
Documents Printing Status PRINTED
Documents Printed On 10-JAN-2011
.....seems like I had crossed the critical "Not MAN, but Machine" Print Rejection Hurdle !!

The printed date is now changed to the 11th and the Dispatched date is 12th Jan
Application Status

PRINTED Documents Printed On 11-JAN-2011
Documents Dispatched to Concerned Mission/Office on 12-JAN-2011
Documents Received at CHICAGO NOT YET
Yes...3 to 4 months is about the time it takes... Hopefully when eventually ( with GoI implementation it could be a very Looooong eventually ) when they merge the PIO and OCI, we'd have a faster, smoother and hiccup free process.

Application Sent 12-OCT-2010
Date Of Acknowledgment 07-DEC-2010
Application Status
Photo/Signature Scanned On 17-DEC-2010
Registration Status Granted On 09-JAN-2011
Documents Printing Status PRINTED
Documents Printed On 10-JAN-2011
.....seems like I had crossed the critical "Not MAN, but Machine" Print Rejection Hurdle !!

The printed date is now changed to the 11th and the Dispatched date is 12th Jan
Application Status

PRINTED Documents Printed On 11-JAN-2011
Documents Dispatched to Concerned Mission/Office on 12-JAN-2011
Documents Received at CHICAGO NOT YET

Congrats Okonomi. Wish you time line as mine. Docs reached Chicago in 3 days. Should be feasible with all holidays gone.
madh4, didn't you personally pick up your OCI at the counter ? What were the entry security like ? At the Houston Consulate people were asked not to bring in suitcase, bag, briefcase, cellphone, camera etc. etc. when entering consulate; but there was no lockers or other secured retention areas for such things. This was quite frustrating for many; they had to return back to their cars and lock things in the trunk and return back to the queue. What is the situation in Chicago ? Thanks for your response.
okonomi, no such restrictions in Chicago (at least in August, 2010). I took print out of additional set of application, and supporting documentation for each aplicant (same documents submitted when initially submitting OCI). This is in addition to OCI approval/dispatch confirmation to screen print, cancelled Indian passports, SC, and US passports. All this in a back pack.
madh4, didn't you personally pick up your OCI at the counter ? What were the entry security like ? At the Houston Consulate people were asked not to bring in suitcase, bag, briefcase, cellphone, camera etc. etc. when entering consulate; but there was no lockers or other secured retention areas for such things. This was quite frustrating for many; they had to return back to their cars and lock things in the trunk and return back to the queue. What is the situation in Chicago ? Thanks for your response.

When i went for collection of OCI there was no restriction. No security check. Couple of people using cell phone were asked to go outside the consulate to use their cell phones. A very customer friendly consulate, hope you agree with me after your personal experience.

They accept US PP and printout between 1100-1230 hrs. You collect your token from reception. Two young ladies will open OCI window at 1100 hrs. They will call by token number. They would like to see your canceled Indian PP or SC. There is no point in reaching the consulate at 0900 hrs and wait for more than 2 hrs. You have to return at 1600 hrs for collection of your OCI card and US PP. (Access to 8th floor where Consulate is located is not available after lunch till 1530 hr) . They call my name. There is enough seating available for all.
December first week- applied in person

These are my timelines- applied in person at Chicago. Have'nt heard anything from them or any furthur updated on the online tracker.

Family application
12/03/10- applied in person, passports cancelled stamps, and surrender certificate issued.

nothing since then. Just anxious. Anyone else in the same time line? I called the Chicago consulate, they say they are working on the last week of November, 2010.
It takes about 6 to 8 weeks to get "acknowledged".. Then it moves circa step-a-week. Not bad at all for a long term visa adjudication. I may go as far to say that it works rather well. I have decided to collect OCI documents by mail, as I can wait a couple of more weeks.
copy paste from online status enquiry: (all the double guttural spelling mistakes come from copy-paste !!)
Applicant's Name OKONOMI YAKI
Date Of Acknowledgment 07-DEC-2010
Application Status
Photto/Siignatturre Scanned On17-DEC-2010
Regiisttrrattiion Sttattus Grrantted On09-JAN-2011
Documentts Prriinttiing SttattusPRINTED
Documentts Prriintted On 11-JAN-2011
Documentts Diispattched tto Concerrned
Miissiion/Offffiice on 12-JAN-2011
Documentts Receiived attCHICAGO On18-JAN-2011
Thanks! In my case, the online tracker shows the date of acknowledgment as 12/(same day as submission).. I guess the 6-8 weeks still apply. congrats on your OCI.
I think the consulate is right. I applied in the last week of November (Nov 29 - application received at Chicago) and my case is progressing as below:

Ack date 1/6
Photo Scanned 1/13
Status Granted 1/19
Printed 1/19

Hope thsi helps
I think the consulate is right. I applied in the last week of November (Nov 29 - application received at Chicago) and my case is progressing as below:

Ack date 1/6
Photo Scanned 1/13
Status Granted 1/19
Printed 1/19

Hope thsi helps

It looks like they don't go in order which they receive the applications... because ours was ACK on DEC 3rd and nothing since then. I wonder why.
I think the consulate is right. I applied in the last week of November (Nov 29 - application received at Chicago) and my case is progressing as below:

Ack date 1/6
Photo Scanned 1/13
Status Granted 1/19
Printed 1/19

Hope thsi helps

Wow... That was quick.. Your oci came thru in less than 2 months! Congrats!
Shalz143 -Did you mail in your application?

When eventually Travisa Outsourcing takes over the Chicago OCI/PIO process, the most welcome thing would be the ability to Track. At the moment the OCI tracking does not explain the long lag periods between steps -- such as what you get when you are on telephone "hold" that informs you that you are customer number 253 in line and they estimate you will be served in fourteen days etc. -- and there is absolutely no way one can track the PIO application. Of late, Consulates have earned a lot of black marks in public relations. Being the black hole of information is what gets them the black marks. Just telling people how many applications they get and how many they adjudicate per day (on the average) will go a long way to make people feel less frustrated -- this goes for all visa types, even those that go through Travisa already.