OCI - Chicago Tracker

OCO at chicago-updates: OCI document received at Chicago

After a long wait, it is again time to update my application process.

Here are the movements of our OCI applications. The latest additions are in RED.

I along with my family (total 4 members) posted our applications on 5th December.

App reached Chicago : 08-Dec-2007
Date Of Acknowledgment: 05-Jan-2008
Registration Status : 12-Jan-2008
Photo/Signature : 12-Jan-2008
Documents Printing Status : 14-Jan-2008
Documents Despatched From Delhi On : 16-Jan-2008
Documents Received at CHICAGO : 06-Feb-2008
Passports (US and Indian) sent to Chicago consulate by 1st Class US mail with tracking : 06-Feb-2008
Passports (US and Indian) reached at Chicago consulate: 11-Feb-2008
Passport Recieved by Post (with OCI registration): NOT YET

I will be sending the passports to the Chicago consulate today by post for stamping.

I will update the process as and when it happens.

Hope you all have good luck.

NOTE: It seems all of those application documents, that had a dispatch date of 16 Jan and even 21 Jan, have reached Chicago on 6 Feb.

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Documents Received at CHICAGO

Thanks Shark for the Update and My documents are received today as well :)

Application for 4.

App arrived Chicago : 29th Dec 2007 USPS Priority Mail
Date Of Acknowledgment: 10th Jan 2008
Registration Status : Granted - 16th Jan 2008
Photo/Signature : Scanned - 16th Jan 2008
Documents Printing Status : PRINTED: 17th JAN 2008
Documents Despatched From Delhi On : 21st JAN 2008
Documents Received at CHICAGO : 6th FEB 2008
Passport Recieved (with OCI registration): NOT YET
Quick Q

Hi All,
I have a quick Q about stamping of U visa. Do I need to send my old Indian passport along with US passport for stamping of U visa even though the Indian passport is already cancelled?

- Sandy Boy
Hi All,
I have a quick Q about stamping of U visa. Do I need to send my old Indian passport along with US passport for stamping of U visa even though the Indian passport is already cancelled?

- Sandy Boy

Hello Sandy Boy,

You only send your Indian Passport if it is valid (not expired) and if it has not been cancelled. Only Valid Indian passport has to be sent to get it cancelled.
Application for 4.

App arrived Chicago : 29th Dec 2007 USPS Priority Mail
Date Of Acknowledgment: 10th Jan 2008
Registration Status : Granted - 16th Jan 2008
Photo/Signature : Scanned - 16th Jan 2008
Documents Printing Status : PRINTED: 17th JAN 2008
Documents Despatched From Delhi On : 21st JAN 2008
Documents Received at CHICAGO : 6th FEB 2008
Passports (US and Indian) sent to Chicago consulate by Priority Mail with tracking USPS: 7th FEB 2008
Passports (US and Indian) reached at Chicago consulate: 11th FEB 2008
Passport Recieved by Post (with OCI registration): NOT YET
Are PIO Card Holders Allowed to Work In India?

HI: I am new to this forum. I am about to get my US Citizenship shortly. I may to work in India for my current employer in the near future. Since it appears that it quite long to get OCI, can I apply and get a PIO card in the meantime and work in India with PIO card?


Hi himjug

Why don't you apply for PIO card for you son, its faster and cheaper (by around $100). You can always convert from PIO to OCI by paying $25 more later.
Hello Shark

6th February 2008, 07:01 AM
I will be sending the passports to the Chicago consulate today by post for stamping.

I will update the process as and when it happens.


Hello Shark,

Did you receive your US Passport with OCI stamped back from Indian Consulate.

Hi desi90

The passports reached Chicago on 11th of February (last Monday) and I plan to give at least one week for the Chicago consulate to prepare the materials and dispatch. Today (18th Feb) is a Federal holiday, so no mail transaction. Since the mails are sent First class by the consulate, one should give another 5 days for the mail to reach us. Therefore, I will not be bothered till end of this week. I expect my passports back by next Monday.

Will update at this website as soon as I recieve the documents.

Hi everyone,

I recently applied for my OCI on Feb 8th. However, I made the mistake of forgetting to note down the Online Registration #. So, I'm not sure how to check my application status at this time. I have tried calling the OCI enquiry number many times but to no avail.

Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions? Do we receive any acknowledgement letter/e-mail when they receive the application in addition to the online status update?
I noticed that some have had this problem also in some of the earlier messages. If you were able to resolve the situation any help you can offer me would be appreciated.

Hi everyone,

I recently applied for my OCI on Feb 8th. However, I made the mistake of forgetting to note down the Online Registration #. So, I'm not sure how to check my application status at this time. I have tried calling the OCI enquiry number many times but to no avail.

Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions? Do we receive any acknowledgement letter/e-mail when they receive the application in addition to the online status update?
I noticed that some have had this problem also in some of the earlier messages. If you were able to resolve the situation any help you can offer me would be appreciated.


When I applied for OCI for my family in January. Consulate office sent me the confirmation letter in the mail. Good Luck. You always want to save a copy for yourself.
When I applied for OCI for my family in January. Consulate office sent me the confirmation letter in the mail. Good Luck. You always want to save a copy for yourself.

Thanks Desi! That is a bit more encouraging. I usually do make copies, but just missed doing that in a hurry that day for some reason :(. I will wait for the acknowledgment confirmation letter in the mail then. Looks like your turn around time was pretty good. Hope I'm that lucky.

Have others received acknowledgement letters in the mail as well?
Application for 4.

Finally received our 4 US Passports (visa stamped) and 4 OCI Booklets today.

App arrived Chicago : 29th Dec 2007 USPS Priority Mail
Date Of Acknowledgment: 10th Jan 2008
Registration Status : Granted - 16th Jan 2008
Photo/Signature : Scanned - 16th Jan 2008
Documents Printing Status : PRINTED: 17th JAN 2008
Documents Despatched From Delhi On : 21st JAN 2008
Documents Received at CHICAGO : 6th FEB 2008[/COLOR]
Passports (US and Indian) sent to Chicago consulate by Priority Mail with tracking USPS: 7th FEB 2008[/COLOR]
Passports (US and Indian) reached at Chicago consulate: 11th FEB 2008[/COLOR]
Passport Mailed back by US Expressmail (with OCI registration): 20th FEB 2008
Passport Recieved by Post (with OCI registration): 21st FEB 2008

Good Luck to All :) :)
Reached the FINISHING LINE: OCI document received at home

The OCI documents (US Passports with U-Visa and the OCI Registration Card) for all 4 person of our family reached at home today. The mail was delivered upon acknowledgement signature. (So, for future recipients, you should keep this in mind when expecting the mail).

Here are complete timeline of our OCI applications. The latest additions is in RED.

App sent by 1st Class US mail with tracking : 05-Dec-2007
App reached Chicago : 08-Dec-2007
Date Of Acknowledgment: 05-Jan-2008
Registration Status : 12-Jan-2008
Photo/Signature : 12-Jan-2008
Documents Printing Status : 14-Jan-2008
Documents Despatched From Delhi On : 16-Jan-2008
Documents Received at CHICAGO : 06-Feb-2008
Passports (US and Indian) sent to Chicago consulate by 1st Class US mail with tracking : 06-Feb-2008
Passports (US and Indian) reached at Chicago consulate: 11-Feb-2008
Passport Recieved by Post (with OCI registration): 22-Feb-2008

So, that is the end of our RACE for immigration processing.

Just for statistics' fans, the entire processing duration, starting from my application for green card to getting OCI card, took 7 years and 5 months.

I hope that all future applicants have best of luck in their immigration processing.

Received the passports with OCI

We have finally got our passports (4) in the mail w/ the OCI Certificate Booklets and the U stickers. Here are the details ....

Application for 4.

App arrived Chicago : 20th Dec 2007
Date Of Acknowledgment: 12th Jan 2008
Registration Status : Granted - 25th Jan 2008
Photo/Signature : Scanned - 25th Jan 2008
Documents Printing Status : PRINTED: 25th JAN 2008
Documents Despatched From Delhi On : 28th Jan 2008
Documents Received at CHICAGO :12th Feb 2008
FedEx next day morning -- to Chicago Consulate: 13 Feb 2008
Received by the Consultate: 14 Feb 2008
Passport Recieved (with OCI registration): 23 Feb 2008

Hope this information helps... good luck with your application process...


Just a quick question - checking with different studios (Sears, etc.) it appears that 3.5 x 3.5 cm photos are not conventional and they are unwilling to do it.

How did you get the photos?



It looks like Chicago is Processing OCI application real fast. My application got granted and printed in 1 week, yupe just 7 days. Here is my track record

Application for 4.

App arrived Chicago : 29th Dec 2007 USPS Priority Mail
Date Of Acknowledgment: 10th Jan 2008
Registration Status : Granted - 16th Jan 2008
Photo/Signature : Scanned - 16th Jan 2008
Documents Printing Status : PRINTED: 17th JAN 2008
Documents Despatched From Delhi On : 21st JAN 2008
Documents Received at CHICAGO :NOT YET
Passport Recieved (with OCI registration): NOT YET

I will update you all on other activities.

My Application had these doucments.

1. I have notarized all photocopies of my required documents in 2 sets.

2. I sent 3cmx3cm photos as required, as when I called and spoke with Mr. Khatri in Chicago office he told me that only 3cmx3cm photots can be scanned.

Passport size photos will not be accepted. ---- as per Mr. Khatri (OCI application incharged)

Good Luck to all :)
Photos for OCI

I took the specs for photos to Costco and the lady actually minimized the size of the picture on the regular US Passport photo sheet and I cut it myself using the actual template on the sheet , the photo spec sheet template measures the same size , it was cumbersome but after getting the first photo cut , it was easy :D .good luck
Here is my status as of today
Here is my status for OCI - I am Dual citizen, Canadian/American
My PIO was issued from Toronto Consulate with my Canadian Passport
OCI is applied from Chicago with my US passport

App arrived Chicago : 15th Feb 2008
Date Of Acknowledgment: 13th March 2008
Registration Status : Granted - 19th March 2008
Photo/Signature : Scanned - 19th March 2008
Documents Printing Status : PRINTED: 19th March 2008
Documents Despatched From Delhi On : NOT YET
Documents Received at CHICAGO :NOT YET
I intend to go to the Consulate for Pickup
Passport Recieved (with OCI registration): NOT YET
Chicago OCI Timeline

Just mailed my OCI application to Chicago today. How long is it taking lately?
Used this software Passportphoto 1.5.3 to print home digital picture convereted into 3.5 cm X 3.5 cm at Walgreens.

Here is my status as of today
Here is my status for OCI - I am Dual citizen, Canadian/American
My PIO was issued from Toronto Consulate with my Canadian Passport
OCI is applied from Chicago with my US passport

App arrived Chicago : 15th Feb 2008
Date Of Acknowledgment: 13th March 2008
Registration Status : Granted - 19th March 2008
Photo/Signature : Scanned - 19th March 2008
Documents Printing Status : PRINTED: 20th March 2008
Documents Despatched From Delhi On : 25 th March 2008
Documents Received at CHICAGO :NOT YET
I intend to go to the Consulate for Pickup
Passport Recieved (with OCI registration): NOT YET
Latest Update
App arrived Chicago : 15th Feb 2008
Date Of Acknowledgment: 13th March 2008
Registration Status : Granted - 19th March 2008
Photo/Signature : Scanned - 19th March 2008
Documents Printing Status : PRINTED: 20th March 2008
Documents Despatched From Delhi On : 25 th March 2008
Documents Received at CHICAGO : 3 rd April
Picked up from the Consulate on April 7 th between 11:30 AM and 12:30 AM , Good Luck Every one
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Almost There

Here's my OCI timeline at the Chicago Consulate:
Application Mailed - Feb 18th, '08
Date of Acknowledgement - March 13th, '08
Registration Status Granted - March 25th, '08
Photo/Signature Scanned - March 25th, '08
Documents Printed on - March 26th, '08
Documents Dispatched from Delhi on - March 28th, '08
Documents Received at Chicago - April 3rd, '08
Mail Passports for Stamping - Planned for April 4th, '08
Received Stamped Passports - TBD

Hope this helps. This was for a family of 4 USC's - 2 Adults, 2 Kids.