OCI - Chicago Tracker

Here is another example of time line

Oh Boy!!

Its taking progressively longer to get OCI app processed via Chicago Consulate. Based on your time line, I hope to get acknowledged around May 9 (64 days). Hope it doesn't get worse then that.

My daughter's:
Application reached Chicago: 2/28/07
Granted & Scanned: 5/1/07
Documents Printed: 5/03/07
Dispatched from Delhi: --
Received at Chicago: ----

So you have good hope!
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My daughter's:
Application reached Chicago: 2/28/07
Granted & Scanned: 5/1/07

So you have good hope!

Do we get communication once documents reach Chicago asking us to send US passports or can we just check online and send passports rightaway once status changes?. I hope Chicago consulate doesn't reject/return passports for any reason?
Do we get communication once documents reach Chicago asking us to send US passports or can we just check online and send passports rightaway once status changes?. I hope Chicago consulate doesn't reject/return passports for any reason?
They immediately update online at: (use your USACI number)
I also emailed Mr. Badwal at Chicago office (he replies immediately) and learnt that once online status shows the date for "Received at Chicago", we can go in person and collect the U-sticker etc., the very next day between 4 and 5 pm or mail our passports after 10 days of dispatch from Delhi. You need not wait to get any info from them.
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They immediately update online at: (use your USACI number)
I also emailed Mr. Badwal at Chicago office (he replies immediately) and learnt that once online status shows the date for "Received at Chicago", we can go in person and collect the U-sticker etc., the very next day between 4 and 5 pm or mail our passports after 10 days of dispatch from Delhi. You need not wait to get any info from them.

Thanks jmj19.


My documents reached Chicago on 05/05.
Hope yours reached their too on 5th, just in time for your trip.

I have a question for you.
I am planning to collect the U-visa and booklet in person.
In your earlier post you had mentioned Mr. Badwal's reply that documents should be collected between 4 and 5 PM.
I wanted to verify the timings. I checked chicago consulate web site and it also indicates 4 to 5 PM. However, i did notice some earlier posts, mentioning 2 to 3 PM.
Could you please let me know if Mr. Badwal mentioned timing in his email.
That will help me plan my trip to Consulate ( half day off v/s full day off ).

Thanks and Good luck.
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help on oci doc

for you it took 2 months to get oci card from chicago is it normal

because my papers came from delhi now its in (april 9) chicago then i mailed my us passport and reached chicago on 13th.

till this day i havent received the card

i am travelling to india next month

what type os shipment they use to send my passport (i paid the 15 dollar ship fee)


I checked the status in morning and it showed that my app was acknowledged. It took 71 days from the date of reception at Chicago.
Same Here, Finally acknowledged today (05/17)

I just checked my status and it is ack'ed/granted/printed/scanned.
Congratulations DMAX and rk1234

Great to see some movement in your cases !! Good for you !!

I'm also surprised that on the same day - you saw your status showing both Acknowledged as well as Granted/ Scanned/ Printed. I thought usually there's a few days gap between "Ackd" and "Granted/scanned". Never mind - who cares, atleast there's progress in the application :cool:

Lets see how they progress on the remaining cases ....
DMAX and rk1234

Any further progress in your cases ??

No. Still "In transit". I am sure it has reached Chicago but they are too busy to update the website. And yes I also received acknowledgment slip and canceled passports in mail.

Once I get an update that Visa is in Chicago, I am going to personally go and collect it. I read couple of posts where it took consulate more then a month to put sticker on passport and return it back to applicants. Thats just lethargic and inefficient. I don't have any more patience for that.
Chicago delays

No. Still "In transit". I am sure it has reached Chicago but they are too busy to update the website. And yes I also received acknowledgment slip and canceled passports in mail.

Once I get an update that Visa is in Chicago, I am going to personally go and collect it. I read couple of posts where it took consulate more then a month to put sticker on passport and return it back to applicants. Thats just lethargic and inefficient. I don't have any more patience for that.

Not sure whats going on at Chicago consulate. OCI approvals seems crawling. Its 75+ days since my app. reached chicago and still no acknowledgement!!:confused:

Any change in your application status ? Did you notice the """" Please contact the Mission/Office after 10 days from date of despatch or any day after receipt of documents at the Mission/Office, whichever is earlier."""" message when you checked online status ? Does it mean we can contact Chicago consulate ?


Any change in your application status ? Did you notice the """" Please contact the Mission/Office after 10 days from date of despatch or any day after receipt of documents at the Mission/Office, whichever is earlier."""" message when you checked online status ? Does it mean we can contact Chicago consulate ?


No change on the OCI website. However, I took a chance and went to Chicago consulate yesterday. Lady told my wife that they have received our Visa booklets and sticker. She took our passport and $16 mailing fees and promised us that she will mail the passports today (June 6, 2007).

I am hoping she will fulfill her promise. I will update this post tomorrow night.
Few questions....

1. Did you include the mailing charges when you applied for OCI initially ? Or these are additinal mailing charges ?

2. I thought we can get the U sticker/visabooket if we can go there by person ?

3. What did you go there and what documents we need to show them (both indian & US passports and ack letter) ?


No change on the OCI website. However, I took a chance and went to Chicago consulate yesterday. Lady told my wife that they have received our Visa booklets and sticker. She took our passport and $16 mailing fees and promised us that she will mail the passports today (June 6, 2007).

I am hoping she will fulfill her promise. I will update this post tomorrow night.
Few questions....

1. Did you include the mailing charges when you applied for OCI initially ? Or these are additinal mailing charges ?

2. I thought we can get the U sticker/visabooket if we can go there by person ?

3. What did you go there and what documents we need to show them (both indian & US passports and ack letter) ?


1. Honestly speaking, I don't remember. I didn't argue when lady asked for $16 for mailing passports back via UPS. I thought it was a small price to pay. But thats just me.

2. I was under the same impression. However, she said that the guy who hands over the sticker and booklet is nowhere to be found (imagine that!!) so she said we have option to leave passports with mailing charges or come back next day. We also had couple of other people who came for same purpose and they told us that this is the third time they were here but every time there is a new excuse for turning them away and having them come back. Therefore me and my wife thought its better to leave passport and money rather then coming 3 or 4 times to downtown get sticker and passport. In addition, lady promised us that she will mail it on Wed, June 6. Hopefully I will get it today.

3. I reached there at 4:15 PM. As per consulate website, they hand over OCI docs between 4 and 5 PM. I took all three (us passport, Indian passport and Ack slip) but she looked at only US passport and acknowledgment slip.

Hope this helps