Oci application from India


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How easy is it to apply for OCI from India? How long does it take? What proof is needed to show that the person is in India?

If one goes to India on visitors visa & then apply for OCI, is that fine? Once OCI is done, the person can stay in India (even though the person entered India on visitors visa)?

Does the signature on U.S passport needs to be full or just regular? I read comments that it can be regular one? True?
I have exact same questions, unfortunately no answers.. :rolleyes:
Does anyone have any experience here about applying OCI from India?
I am waiting for answers too. I hope to apply Oci when i am in India on visitor visa. I need to get it before my visitors visa expires.
Hello, does anyone have any insight of issues for applying OCI in India? I plan to go with visitor visa and one way air ticket. Will this be an issue? Once I get OCI, do I need to inform anyone in India that I will not be leaving the country after 6 months to make the stay legal? Please share your experiences.. Thanks in advance.
It seems no one has appplied for OCI from India..

Indian Govt website says that someone on a long term visa can apply for OCI while being in India.
Don't know what i long term?

If i get a 6 mo visitor visa and want to extend beyond 6 mos in India, does anyone know the procedure for that, and anything one should be careful about?
Any other info like in general, it is granted/refused would help too.

Seems hardly anyone has applied from India or they are so happy being USC, they don't login to these discussion forums anymore :)
Good Idea!! I think we should start it in OCI issues.

Good Idea!! I think we should start it in OCI issues.
Sorry guys. few more questions from me also. :)

I am also in the ame boat. I will be applying for PIO or OCI from India.

Nitinkrsi : web site says more than 1 year for long term visa.

Do you guys apply for entry visa or visitor visa while going to India? I am thinking of applying for entry visa for 5 years and then apply for PIO card from India immeidiately. It will be waste of money, but seems like a safer option.
Guys, check out the OCI issues folder. While the OCI application procedure is clear, I don't think we can do PIO from India, not sure about the PIO actually.

My understanding is that a person can go on visitor visa and then apply for OCI. It takes about the same time as in the US - about 6 weeks.

After getting OCI, you don't have to inform anyone about the visa to oci status change. One of the perks of oci is that registration at FRO is not needed.
If I can't do PIO from India, that would be a bummer for me.

I am planning to go to India on visitor/tourist/entry visa in 2 weeks and may be start working for an Indian company from there. I can't work when I am on tourist visa. right?

If I wait for OCI in my case it may be quite long. That's why I was thinking of applying for PIO which is usually 3 weeks. If I can't do that, are there any other options to start working sooner?


Guys, check out the OCI issues folder. While the OCI application procedure is clear, I don't think we can do PIO from India, not sure about the PIO actually.

My understanding is that a person can go on visitor visa and then apply for OCI. It takes about the same time as in the US - about 6 weeks.

After getting OCI, you don't have to inform anyone about the visa to oci status change. One of the perks of oci is that registration at FRO is not needed.