"Ocean" E-MAIL Campaign #2 to Congresswoman Anna Eshoo or your representative

I am not sure if they are standard response, i keep posting the response that i got because i dont see anybody else saying that theygot a response to the emails.
I have seen many people sent emails to congressmen. Unfortunately, most congressmen care only about their constituents, who has rights to vote. We, the people without permanent residence, are not their intereste targets. To motivate those congressmen who don't bother to speak for immigrants, we should mobilize our relatives in US who can vote. Their voice is far more stronger than ours. Believe or not, without political influence we are nobody but labors in this country. We made tremendous contribution to this country's economy and deserve much more than a plastic card!

In short, get voters to speak for you! Only votes count.

  1. kashmir
  2. lareds
  3. hurryup
  4. ganesanc
  5. jaymehra11
  6. timesa
  7. JAurora
  8. 7714
  9. yih
  10. rcherukuri
  11. sri3440
  12. rbrahmbh
  13. wac-ed in CA
  14. ganesanc - Mike Honda, too
  15. wittAAAA
  16. kadamtal
  17. HowMuchLonger
  18. gopalag
  19. yuk1200
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Re.: Only votes count.

smallfish - I brought up this point at the end of my letter (see text a few posts above) and tell me what you think.

ND: 12/7/2001


I just wanted to say that my husband who is a US Citizen, wrote on my behalf about employment based processing times. (FYI: I'm doing employment because I started it before marriage, and now the queues for marriage and condition removal are almost as long as employment.)

Anyway, the long and short of it is that he never received a response from either Senator or Congressperson. I think the real story is that it takes time and persistance and not nationality. I think Kashmir's efforts and results support this.


Originally posted by smallfish
I have seen many people sent emails to congressmen. Unfortunately, most congressmen care only about their constituents, who has rights to vote. We, the people without permanent residence, are not their intereste targets. To motivate those congressmen who don't bother to speak for immigrants, we should mobilize our relatives in US who can vote. Their voice is far more stronger than ours. Believe or not, without political influence we are nobody but labors in this country. We made tremendous contribution to this country's economy and deserve much more than a plastic card!

In short, get voters to speak for you! Only votes count.
Hi Kashmir,

Except Mike Honda and Anna Eshoo, are we contacting any other congressman/congresswoman? Did you plan to get at least 5 congressmen to speak for us?

I'm in Anna Eshoo's district.
update and question

I'd like to draft a reply with some stats about the TPS/Salvador issue -- how many applications were filed (and abjudicated) in this category over how many months in 2002, 2003? It would be helpful to point out these numbers to expose the thin ice CSC is on when it uses it as an excuse.

any pointers clarifying the TPS issue/stats welcome.

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Re: update and question

Originally posted by wac-ed in CA
Got another copy of Neufeld/Dec22 letter from congresswoman Eshoo's office alongwith a letter mentioning Patty Kim at the Palo Alto office as the person to contact for further communications.
Hi, wac-ed in CA,
Can you visit Anna Eshoo's Palo Alto district office next week to discuss with Patty Kim with some of us, not alone maybe 3 to 5 people ?
I'd appreciate if you agree it and making an appointment.
Hi, wac-ed in CA,
> yes - i could come along if its at a convenient time. evenings or early mornings are great because i live in palo alto.

I'd prefer early morning rather than evening.

> what is the proposed agenda for the meeting?

make sure enough resource allocation for EB I-485 at CSC after 3/9/2004 deadline for TPS El Salvador


> do you or others have an appointment with her staffers?

No, we don't.

> if not, i can try and get one (Patty Kim or Anne Ream) but would prefer to go by myself for the first meeting and summarize here.

That's fine.
Her office has already recieved 20 e-mails.

Don't mind tagging along for the meeting myself. I would prefer it in the morning too.

Send me a pm in case you decide upon the date in the hurry!
Re: Reply from Mike Honda

Originally posted by ganesanc
Thank you for your e-mail. Your views are very important to me and I
appreciate your taking the time to share your concerns and opinions.

My office has received your e-mail and it is currently being processed
through our correspondence system. Rest assured that I will be made aware
of your opinions and concerns. If you have written us regarding a request
or a legislative inquiry, we will be responding shortly.

Again, thank you for contacting me. It is an honor serving you.

-Mike Honda
Member of Congress

Its a standard reply I got couple before.
Re: /null/

Originally posted by wac-ed in CA
Hi, wac-ed in CA,
Have you changed your mind ?
If so, I will make an appointment.
Let me know by Sunday evening.
Originally posted by smallfish
Hi Kashmir,
Except Mike Honda and Anna Eshoo, are we contacting any other congressman/congresswoman? Did you plan to get at least 5 congressmen to speak for us?
I'm in Anna Eshoo's district.
We're working with Zoe Lofgren (D CA 16), too.
Pete Stark (D CA 13) seems not to want to support ImmigrationPortal.Com.

It depends on community's activity whether we can get at least five congressmen or not.
It's diffult to achieve a goal unless each member continues aggresively contacting one's representative.
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