Ocean Campaign #5 to Congressperson : Don Neufeld's Shameless Excuse and Foul Act


Registered Users (C)
This is the first NEGATIVE CAMPAIGN against CSC Director Don Neufeld.

1) Send your letter to YOUR Representative (Congressperson)
by FAX to Washington DC office
and/or by E-MAIL

2) Post your letter at this thread.


If you have a good idea or comment, please post, too.
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Faxed to Anna Eshoo (D CA 14th) 2/24/2004

5225 N. Wilson Blvd. Arlington VA 22205
Phone: (703) 908-4800
United for Dignity, Equality and Acceptance

February 24, 2004

Congresswoman Anna Eshoo
205 Cannon Building
Washington, DC 20515-0514
Fax: (202) 225-8890

RE: Don Neufeld's Shameless Excuse and Foul Act

Dear Congresswoman Anna Eshoo;

I'd really appreciate your hard working on the I-485 backlog issue at the California Service Center (CSC).

On 12/22/2003, CSC Director Don Neufeld excused, Because of the competing need to adjudicate approximately 60,000 El Salvadoran applications for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) prior March 9, 2004, we do not anticipate assigning any additional staff to process I-485s until the latter half of this fiscal year.

According to USCIS official processing time report, the processing dates at the CSC are:
[color=blue]Form                     date-> 02/20/2004  01/07/2004 days
I-824 [B]TPS El Salvador[/B] initial   12/08/2002  11/30/2002  8
I-824 [B]TPS El Salvador[/B] extension 12/08/2002  11/30/2002  8
I-765 EAD on [B]TPS El Salvador[/B]    09/03/2003  08/30/2003  4
[B]I-485[/B] Employment based AOS      12/16/2001  12/16/2001  0[/color]
Obviously, the CSC has scarcely processed not only I-485 applications but also TPS El Salvador related applications. This means that Don Neufeld has been cheating not only I-485 applicants and ImmigrationPortal.Com but also unbelievably even Congressional offices !!

I know that you have been notified that he cannot comment any more due to pending litigation. However, we should never forgive his shameless excuse and foul act. Please talk with your colleagues and other Congressional members, and keep putting pressure on CSC Director Don Neufeld so that he would keep his promise to significantly increase resource allocations to I-485 adjudications beginning April 2004.

(my signature)
(my address)
(my contact information)
WAC-02-124-***** (EB I-485)
pending at CSC for over 2 years since February 2002
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E-Mail to Anna Eshoo (D CA 14th) 2/24/2004

To: Congresswoman Anna Eshoo <annagram@mail.house.gov>
Subject: Don Neufeld's Shameless Excuse and Foul Act

5225 N. Wilson Blvd. Arlington VA 22205
Phone: (703) 908-4800
United for Dignity, Equality and Acceptance

February 24, 2004

Congresswoman Anna Eshoo
205 Cannon Building
Washington, DC 20515-0514
Phone: (202) 225-8104
Fax: (202) 225-8890

RE: Don Neufeld's Shameless Excuse and Foul Act

Dear Congresswoman Anna Eshoo;

I'd really appreciate your hard working on the I-485 backlog issue
at the California Service Center (CSC).

On 12/22/2003, CSC Director Don Neufeld excused,
"Because of the competing need to adjudicate approximately 60,000
El Salvadoran applications for Temporary Protected Status (TPS)
prior March 9, 2004, we do not anticipate assigning any additional
staff to process I-485s until the latter half of this fiscal year."

According to USCIS official processing time report,
the processing dates at the CSC are:
Form                     date-> 02/20/2004  01/07/2004 days
I-824 TPS El Salvador initial   12/08/2002  11/30/2002  8
I-824 TPS El Salvador extension 12/08/2002  11/30/2002  8
I-765 EAD on TPS El Salvador    09/03/2003  08/30/2002  4
I-485 Employment based AOS      12/16/2001  12/16/2001  0
Obviously, the CSC has scarcely processed not only I-485 applications
but also TPS El Salvador related applications.
This means that Don Neufeld has been cheating
not only I-485 applicants and ImmigrationPortal.Com
but also unbelievably even Congressional offices !!

I know that you have been notified that he cannot comment any more 
due to pending litigation.
However, we should never forgive his shameless excuse and foul act.
Please talk with your colleagues and other Congressional members,
and keep putting pressure on CSC Director Don Neufeld
so that he would keep his promise to significantly increase resource
allocations to I-485 adjudications beginning April 2004.


(my name)
(my address)
(my contact information)
WAC-02-124-***** (EB I-485)
pending at CSC for over 2 years since February 2002
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As much as I agree with letting congress know about issue at CSC and Don Neufeld, I am not comfortable on personal attack. I will tone it down and will send the fax / postal mail in a day or two.
Should we wait on this until April?

I am also one of those who received a reply from Congress Woman Anna Eshoo along with a copy of Don Neufeld's letter to her. Since Neufeld, in his letter, clearly states that he can't do anything on I-485 until April, I suspect that the Congress Woman can't do much either. His reason for the delay may not be completely true, but if we can show that no progress has been made on I-485 even after 9 March 2004, the Congress Woman will have much stronger grounds to take up our issue with Neufeld. So, I feel that it might be better to wait on "attacking" Neufeld until April. But if many of you feel otherwise, I shall also write to Eshoo.

Meanwhile, I have written about our hardships and our lawsuit to KQED's Pacific Time (http://www.kqed.org/programs/radio/pt/about-pactime.jsp). This might be of interest to them since many of the affected people are Asians and many of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit are Asians. Let's see if they are willing to cover our story. If any others like this idea, please send a fax or an e-mail to Pacific Time.
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Not in favour of starting the 'hate' campaign so fast. I would like to wait till March as suggested earlier.

Though my printer and fax machine are ready if so voted!

Also, Kashmir, I would tone down the language against Don Neufield. Just because we don't want this to seem like a nasty fight.
Not ready for FIRE yet. Lets concentrate on contacting/meeting our congresspersons, apprise them about the law suit and see if we can get their support. I'm trying to do that in CA-16th. Will update if there is any thing positive.
Thanks for many feedbacks.
I think "tone down" is a good idea.

However, I believe it is the most important to put strong pressure on Don Neufeld before 4/1/2004,
otherwise we CSC applicants have no chance until 9/1/2004.

Also, it is not the only reason to attack Don Neufeld that he has not allocated resource for TPS El Salvador.
Other reasons are:
1) Lamar Smith talked to TSC Director, then TSC started I-485 processing.
2) CSC has updated I-485 processing date only once from 11/16/2001 to 12/16/2001 on 9/1/2003 since 1/15/2003 for last 13 months.
CSC is the worst among 4 service centers.
3) Don Neufeld had totally ignored our 42 e-mails.

The goal of this campaign is not personal attack against Don Neufeld but to let him allocate enough resource to I-485 at CSC before 4/1/2004.
Don Neufeld Letter

I think toning down the context is not a bad idea. However, I have serious doubts with regards to this campaign having any effect on expediting the I-485 processing at CSC. Also there are a few grammatical errors in the letter which we should fix, if there is a decision to go ahead with the letter as planned. Thanks.

I can definitely understand where Kashmir is coming from, if we wait till the last day to complain about the delay, then not just are we waiting till the last day, but also the amount of time it takes to redress our grievances. So now I am in two minds about sending the letter.

As far as grammatical errors are concerned, I was reading a NPS site where they talked about receiving responses and they seemed to feel that grammatical mistakes, typo's etc. Are all welcome since it is not the grammer, but the content they are interested in, besides it adds a very essential personal touch.

Also, we don't recommend you use the letters word for word, go ahead and write your own version, and put if up for everyone's perusal. While you are at it, please join in the other campaigns like Faxing a letter to Linda Sanchez, etc. if you haven't done so already.


I am going to fax Anna Eshoo, a letter on similar lines about how Don Neufield should be held to his promise and how he has not implemented what he has said already, and hence the need to be more vigilant. Not a personal attack, but just expressing concern over his track record.

Can the rest of you guys also do the same? Stay away from personal attack, but just a reminder message saying "hey this guy hasn't been doing what he promised, can you please ping him on that".


I just sent a letter to the local Congressman in AZ and asked if I could meet him personally next week. He will be in town next Friday. Hope this helps.
I am sending a toned down version

I agree with Kashmir. we have data/evidence that Don did not do what is promised.

I am sending a toned down version.

The tone down should amount to "please urge/encourage Mr.Neufeld to live up to his words, starting April 2004. Previous promises by CSC have largely been unfulfilled"

This would convey the same message but somewhat politically correct.Is this agreeable to you, Kashmir?
Mine is just an example and I know it is not a good one.
Also, I might be a little bit extreme.

Of course, you can write your own letter with your own words and I encourage it.
Please post your letter, too.
List as of 2/25/2004

  1. kashmir - CA 14th - Fax/E-Mail
  2. HR_in_AZ - AZ ? - ?
Please post your letter once you have sent.
Where can I find data supporting the argument that Don Neufeld hasn't allocated enough resources to reduce the I-485 backlog?
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Hi, solarise,
> Where can I find data supporting the argument that Don Neufeld hasn't allocated enough resources to reduce the I-485 backlog?

It's a good question.

Official data
1) USCIS processing dates report
- I-485 processing date at CSC has been 12/16/2001 since 9/1/2003 for last 7 months.
2) Don Neufeld's letter to Anna Eshoo 12/22/2003

Unofficial data
3) Project Kashmir scan result