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OC - 2025 - Selectees Thread


Well-Known Member
Congratulations to everyone from the Oceania Region that has been selected for the 2025 diversity visa process.

Here is your home for the next 18 months, you will find plenty of people who have been on a similar journey to you. Celebrate, vent, ask questions and hang out.

Let’s start by letting others know where we have landed with our case numbers.

Good luck on this journey.

#oc2025 #oceania
Nice thread. Congratulations everyone!

I was a 2024DV winner and currently going through the AOS route as we've been living in the US for the past 8 years. I had a CN of OC16xx and my number became current in June 2024. Fingers crossed I can successfully complete this process.

I wish you all luck on your journey. It can certainly be a stressful time.
I’m OC 26**. Hopefully there’s some miracles this year and I get called for an interview. This is my first time after being selected after entering quite a few times so hoping the high case number won’t ruin my chances of an interview. I wonder has many people with this high of a case number been called before?
I’m OC 26**. Hopefully there’s some miracles this year and I get called for an interview. This is my first time after being selected after entering quite a few times so hoping the high case number won’t ruin my chances of an interview. I wonder has many people with this high of a case number been called before?
See this post that I made in another thread about checking past visa bulletins.

Post in thread 'DV 2025 AOS (Adjustment of Status) Process Only'
31xx, so not holding out much hope, but curious about how this ‘current’ selection would work. Can anyone assist? Is it only possibly in September 2025 and then only if OC region gets selected? And then if those two things happen, could any case number above the bulletin number be selected for interview ( ie is it random?) or is it still in order of case number ? Thanks
OC 26XX from Oz. DS-260 submitted within 3 days. I've been trying to get my head around it all, and I'm trying to piece together the chances (and if/when I'll hear back). I'm sure there's a more scientific way, but the following seem to be the total selectees for Oceania:

2021 - 2,815
2022 - 2,501
2023 - 2,503

I can't find any clear details around what the highest number was in each year - or the total number successfully allocated. Does anyone have these numbers? 1650 is "current" for last year's selectees as of this month, which is where it seemed to cap out last year. This does not bode well for us in the high 2xxx's.

Is there any point at which the the DS-260 submission order is considered over the case number?

Anyway, good luck to all. Even those with a lower number than me ;-)

(p.s. spent ages getting links to all my data, but the forum wouldn't let me post them)
Total selectees for Oceania:
2021 - 2,815
2022 - 2,501
2023 - 2,503
Sounds right. Total number of selectees can be found in VB (DoS has also summary here [1]), or in historical number on BritSimon's site [2]
I can't find any clear details around what the highest number was in each year - or the total number successfully allocated. Does anyone have these numbers? 1650 is "current" for last year's selectees as of this month, which is where it seemed to cap out last year. This does not bode well for us in the high 2xxx's.
Highest case number can be obtained from CEAC. See here [3]
Is there any point at which the the DS-260 submission order is considered over the case number?
You may want to watch this [4] (I never waste an opportunity to promote "the beads" video!). Tl; dr submission date is pretty much irrelevant.

1. https://travel.state.gov/content/tr...-entry/diversity-visa-program-statistics.html
2. https://britsimonsays.com/historical-visa-bulletin-numbers/
3. https://dvcharts.xarthisius.xyz/ceacFY23.html
Highest case number can be obtained from CEAC. See here [3]

Oh wow, this is amazing. I heard this mentioned in a video but couldn't find it. Took me a little while to get my head around the classifications in the visualisation, but only due to the complex nature of the DV process. After reading the raw data, I now have (near) total clarity thanks to these graphs. Nice work, thank you!

Now the one thing I'm not so clear on is what "At NVC" means. This suggests it's sitting in a backlog somewhere, but the raw data shows this even though the application was never shown as received. I would have expected a submitDate?

(I never waste an opportunity to promote "the beads" video!).


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Sounds right. Total number of selectees can be found in VB (DoS has also summary here [1]), or in historical number on BritSimon's site [2]

Highest case number can be obtained from CEAC. See here [3]

You may want to watch this [4] (I never waste an opportunity to promote "the beads" video!). Tl; dr submission date is pretty much irrelevant.

1. https://travel.state.gov/content/tr...-entry/diversity-visa-program-statistics.html
2. https://britsimonsays.com/historical-visa-bulletin-numbers/
3. https://dvcharts.xarthisius.xyz/ceacFY23.html

I love the beads video!!!
OC 26XX from Oz. DS-260 submitted within 3 days. I've been trying to get my head around it all, and I'm trying to piece together the chances (and if/when I'll hear back). I'm sure there's a more scientific way, but the following seem to be the total selectees for Oceania:

2021 - 2,815
2022 - 2,501
2023 - 2,503

I can't find any clear details around what the highest number was in each year - or the total number successfully allocated. Does anyone have these numbers? 1650 is "current" for last year's selectees as of this month, which is where it seemed to cap out last year. This does not bode well for us in the high 2xxx's.

Is there any point at which the the DS-260 submission order is considered over the case number?

Anyway, good luck to all. Even those with a lower number than me ;-)

(p.s. spent ages getting links to all my data, but the forum wouldn't let me post them)
In DV2024 they increased the selectees to 4450 - a 77% increase over 2023 where the 2503 selected in 2023 were proven to be significantly too many. It made no sense whatsoever.

OC has a quota below 900. Even with some moved allocation from other regions (which can happen if a region doesn't use all its quota) it is hard to imagine a scenario where we see OC taking >1000 visas. So - even optimistically, selecting more than 2000 people is bound to cause some to miss out.

However we have NO IDEA what the selectee numbers will be in DV2025 - and case numbers don't tell us anything (because holes density can vary dramatically year to year). Let's hope DV2025 is a low selection year.
Now the one thing I'm not so clear on is what "At NVC" means. This suggests it's sitting in a backlog somewhere, but the raw data shows this even though the application was never shown as received. I would have expected a submitDate?
"At NVC" is just initial status with no meaning in context of DV cases. CEAC unfortunately doesn't track what happens to a case before it's sent to an embassy. That means we don't know when someone submitted their DS-260, or even *if* they submitted. For DV cases "SubmitDate" shown by CEAC indicates the date of the electronic entry via https://dvprogram.state.gov/
"At NVC" is just initial status with no meaning in context of DV cases. CEAC unfortunately doesn't track what happens to a case before it's sent to an embassy. That means we don't know when someone submitted their DS-260, or even *if* they submitted. For DV cases "SubmitDate" shown by CEAC indicates the date of the electronic entry via xxx
Right, thanks. I thought it may have been started but incomplete/non-submitted DS-260s or something, where the None were never even opened. Regardless, they were just never passed to an embassy for an interview so they are effectively the same as "hole" for our purpose?

p.s. why does the forum always prevent me from posting links, even in replies?!
Right, thanks. I thought it may have been started but incomplete/non-submitted DS-260s or something, where the None were never even opened. Regardless, they were just never passed to an embassy for an interview so they are effectively the same as "hole" for our purpose?

p.s. why does the forum always prevent me from posting links, even in replies?!
Not exactly. None/hole are empty numbers, those people were not selected. NVC cases are people that were selected. They might have just decided not to proceed, or they might have done AOS. We don't know.
You gain the ability to paste links after N posts (I don't remember the exact number). It's just a spam prevention measure.