Oath letter received


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After nearly three months of waiting, today I had the good news that I received the Oath letter. Will be on December 3 in the County where I live in New York. I waited patiently for the case came after two months and met this deadline, I made an appointment Infopass in Federal Plaza (local USCIS office in Manhattan where I had my interview.) An officer there very polite informed me that the case was 100% approved and could not understand why I had not yet received the letter swearing, 2 months later. By further found that 'mistakenly' the officer in charge of the record placed it in the wrong place. The review filed in cases where they should put it where the to be processed for the letter of oath. I do not know if you remember my story: I am the same who had had a suspended license arrest two years ago and also several traffic tickets, etc., which made me afraid, though you pass the exam well. Finally, two morals arise from my experience, if your cases slow down, go to Infopass, that makes the move. I was just about 10 days ago and today I receive the letter and swearing. Do not just stand idly by and see what happens one day, so many cases fall asleep and fall into a long sleep forever, until one day someone discovers 'error'. 2) Do not worry about minor traffic tickets, not even BREAKDOWN in the application, it does not need nor alter the process. In light of my history, not counting minor traffic cases, for more to be told otherwise, because my syllabus, to be honest, it was not an angel in that area but they were, that if minor cases: red light , cell phone, speeding, etc, all under 500 dollars, but many. Congratulations and forth at all. Are very thankful for the encouragement and guidance given during this process. God bless you all! (I'll tell you my experience on the day of the swearing).
Your description does not make sense. Was it written in another language and then translated?

After nearly three months of waiting, today I had the good news that I received the Oath letter. Will be on December 3 in the County where I live in New York. I waited patiently for the case came after two months and met this deadline, I made an appointment Infopass in Federal Plaza (local USCIS office in Manhattan where I had my interview.) An officer there very polite informed me that the case was 100% approved and could not understand why I had not yet received the letter swearing, 2 months later. By further found that 'mistakenly' the officer in charge of the record placed it in the wrong place. The review filed in cases where they should put it where the to be processed for the letter of oath. I do not know if you remember my story: I am the same who had had a suspended license arrest two years ago and also several traffic tickets, etc., which made me afraid, though you pass the exam well. Finally, two morals arise from my experience, if your cases slow down, go to Infopass, that makes the move. I was just about 10 days ago and today I receive the letter and swearing. Do not just stand idly by and see what happens one day, so many cases fall asleep and fall into a long sleep forever, until one day someone discovers 'error'. 2) Do not worry about minor traffic tickets, not even BREAKDOWN in the application, it does not need nor alter the process. In light of my history, not counting minor traffic cases, for more to be told otherwise, because my syllabus, to be honest, it was not an angel in that area but they were, that if minor cases: red light , cell phone, speeding, etc, all under 500 dollars, but many. Congratulations and forth at all. Are very thankful for the encouragement and guidance given during this process. God bless you all! (I'll tell you my experience on the day of the swearing).
I think he tried his best to describe in a language that he recently got accustomed to and did a pretty good job, before you start making fun of people with language deficiencies please remember this is a immigration forum obviously for immigrants and for most of them English is not their first language.
I agree, even if that was the case there is no way for you to know if it was translated or not. If it is then nothing happens but if its not then you are hurting someones feelings by doing that. You should double check what you post before clicking on post!!!
I think he tried his best to describe in a language that he recently got accustomed to and did a pretty good job, before you start making fun of people with language deficiencies please remember this is a immigration forum obviously for immigrants and for most of them English is not their first language.
Come on guys, you seem to be utterly sensitive. I had just asked a simple question in good faith, without any intention to make fun of anyone. If you cant convey what you want to convey then people wont understand what you want them to understand then what is the use of posting.

It will be difficult for you to survive in US with so much sensitivity towards simple questions.

Read my post again and again and then react if you still want to.

I think he tried his best to describe in a language that he recently got accustomed to and did a pretty good job, before you start making fun of people with language deficiencies please remember this is a immigration forum obviously for immigrants and for most of them English is not their first language.

I agree, even if that was the case there is no way for you to know if it was translated or not. If it is then nothing happens but if its not then you are hurting someones feelings by doing that. You should double check what you post before clicking on post!!!
Thanks for your comments. I really translated my words from spanish to english in Google Translator in the first post. Apparently that's not the best idea. I speak some english, and right now i'm writting my self, but i thought it could be better traslating there. Sorry for the bad time and thanks again for your comments. Have a good day.:confused:
Man you have such a good english, then why do you use google translator. I have seen most translators mess up the meanings and that is why I was sure that you had definitely translated it. So asked.

Thanks for your comments. I really translated my words from spanish to english in Google Translator in the first post. Apparently that's not the best idea. I speak some english, and right now i'm writting my self, but i thought it could be better traslating there. Sorry for the bad time and thanks again for your comments. Have a good day.:confused:
Felicidades Dominican, que todas tus sueños se hagan realidad

Now tell me DOMINICON did this make sense in your language, although using google translator it translates into a perfect english sentence. You know what I am talking about.
I tried to translate your post to spanish and the result that came back was completely crazy. So, it was my last time using Google Translator. Thanks for your help. Bobysmith, buen español hermano. Gracias por los buenos deseos. :cool:

Congratulations!!! I hope the ceremony will be fantastic and give you your naturalization certificate. In the meantime, please don't speed or get any tickets, which can cause you problems, especially if they are serious offenses.

As for Mogambo1, just leave threads which you aren't contributing anything except to critique language. Name was correct, this is a forum for people with far advance English language to those with the smallest vocabulary and writing skills. About 2 years ago, I had to re-read a posting by someone on three occasions to figure out what was their issues, and I wrote the basic English to resolve her question and she was content.