Oath in Indianapolis

All: Wanted to provide a quick update. I got my Oath Letter in the mail today and it is indeed for 1/24 @ 9:00 AM. This is an awesome parting gift of 2007 :)

Sent N-400 application to Nebraska - 07/16/07
Receipt Date - 07/30/07
FP Appointment - 09/14/07
Interview Schedule - 11/01/07
Oath scheduled - 1/24/08
All: Wanted to provide a quick update. I got my Oath Letter in the mail today and it is indeed for 1/24 @ 9:00 AM. This is an awesome parting gift of 2007 :)

Sent N-400 application to Nebraska - 07/16/07
Receipt Date - 07/30/07
FP Appointment - 09/14/07
Interview Schedule - 11/01/07
Oath scheduled - 1/24/08

congrats in advance and all the best :)

Congratulations I am still waiting for my oath...

N-400 timeline Nebraska Service Center/Indianapolis
Priority date - 7/29/07
Receipt Notice - 10/6/07
FP notice - 10/12/07
FP appointment- 10/17/07
Interview Letter Received - 10/25/07
Interview Date - 12/21/07
Interview passed - 12/21/07
Oath ? Do you guys have any idea !
My Oath ceremony is this Thursday, 1/24. Is there anything I need to bring with me other than the letter and my GC? I haven't travelled, gotten a citation since the interview and I am still married :) .

I have read several posts but wanted to throw this question out there just to be sure.

Sent N-400 application to Nebraska - 07/16/07
Receipt Date - 07/30/07
FP Appointment - 09/14/07
Interview Schedule - 11/01/07
Oath scheduled - 1/24/08
Just wanted to provide an update. I attended the Oath ceremony in Indy today.

We got there a little after 9 due to parking related issues. The court room was already full and we couldnt even get in:eek: I recommend getting there well ahead of time.

The initial part of the ceremony was tedious as they called each individual, took the form and the GC. The new citizens sat upfront while the family members sat in the back.

There were 58 people all together from several countries, mostly Mexico followed by India.

We heard several speeches, took the oatch and the pledge of allegiance. After that, they called us to pick up the Nat Certificate. On our way out, we updated the SSN records.

And that was it. I am now a U.S. citizen :D :cool:

Thank you for everyone's help on thie forum. It is truly an exceptional community!!!

Now I gotta apply for my passport.

Sent N-400 application to Nebraska - 07/16/07
Receipt Date - 07/30/07
FP Appointment - 09/14/07
Interview Date- 11/01/07
Oath Date - 1/24/08
Passport applied - TBD
Passport Recieved - TBD
Just wanted to provide an update. I attended the Oath ceremony in Indy today.

We got there a little after 9 due to parking related issues. The court room was already full and we couldnt even get in:eek: I recommend getting there well ahead of time.

The initial part of the ceremony was tedious as they called each individual, took the form and the GC. The new citizens sat upfront while the family members sat in the back.

There were 58 people all together from several countries, mostly Mexico followed by India.

We heard several speeches, took the oatch and the pledge of allegiance. After that, they called us to pick up the Nat Certificate. On our way out, we updated the SSN records.

And that was it. I am now a U.S. citizen :D :cool:

Thank you for everyone's help on thie forum. It is truly an exceptional community!!!

Now I gotta apply for my passport.

Sent N-400 application to Nebraska - 07/16/07
Receipt Date - 07/30/07
FP Appointment - 09/14/07
Interview Date- 11/01/07
Oath Date - 1/24/08
Passport applied - TBD
Passport Recieved - TBD
Congratulations xelaedu! I am still waiting...
Thanks Sashko & reddysaab. I hope you guys get the Oath notifications soon and please provide updates.
When is the next Oath Ceremony in Indianapolis?

My details are:
Application Date: 7/11/07
Priority Date: 7/11/07
Fingerprint: 8/27/07
Interview Date: 1/04/08

Now waiting for the Oath Ceremony.

Can someone tell me when the next one is or how to get the schedule? Have to go to India in March for a couple of weeks, so it'll suck if it's scheduled during that time.
Indy Oath Schedule

Just wondering if Reddysaab has got his oath ceremony letter yet. Just called the couthouse and found out the scedule in Indy for February and March.
Given that they had one on 1/24, it seems like they're having it every two weeks, at least for the time being.
Oath Letter

I have not got the oath letter yet. still waiting...hopefully by the end of this month. My timeline is as follows

N-400 timeline Nebraska Service Center/Indianapolis
Priority date - 7/29/07
Receipt Notice - 10/6/07
FP notice - 10/12/07
FP appointment- 10/17/07
Interview Letter Received - 10/25/07
Interview Date - 12/21/07
Interview passed - 12/21/07
Oath Letter - still waiting
Finally, Today I received the notice for oath ceremony. Thanks for all, this is an awesome forum. Good Luck to everybody with their Naturalization processing.

Here is my updated timeline,

5/18/2007 - Mailed to NSC
5/21/2007 - Priority/Received Date
5/25/2007 - Receipt Notice
6/1/2007 - Fingerprint Notice
6/26/2007 - Fingerprint Appointment
9/26/2007 - Case Status Retrieval Failed - Dissapared online
9/29/2007 - Interview Letter Notice Received
11/8/2007 - Interview date
02/02/2008 - Notice of Oath Naturalization Ceremony Received
02/15/2008 - Oath Ceremony
Finally, Today I received the notice for oath ceremony. Thanks for all, this is an awesome forum. Good Luck to everybody with their Naturalization processing.

Here is my updated timeline,

5/18/2007 - Mailed to NSC
5/21/2007 - Priority/Received Date
5/25/2007 - Receipt Notice
6/1/2007 - Fingerprint Notice
6/26/2007 - Fingerprint Appointment
9/26/2007 - Case Status Retrieval Failed - Dissapared online
9/29/2007 - Interview Letter Notice Received
11/8/2007 - Interview date
02/02/2008 - Notice of Oath Naturalization Ceremony Received
02/15/2008 - Oath Ceremony


Can you post the notice day?

Can you tell me about your experiences at the
Citizenship interview in Indianapolis? Mine is coming up.

Also, the letter says to expect to be there 2 hours? Does it really take that long?
The interview was a breeze. It did not take that long. The interview started about 15 minutes late and was over with in about 15.

Sent N-400 application to Nebraska - 07/16/07
Receipt Date - 07/30/07
FP Appointment - 09/14/07
Interview Date- 11/01/07
Oath Ceremony - 1/24/08
Passport Applied - 1/28/08
Passport Received - TBD
I was hoping for more details?

The interview was a breeze. It did not take that long. The interview started about 15 minutes late and was over with in about 15.

Sent N-400 application to Nebraska - 07/16/07
Receipt Date - 07/30/07
FP Appointment - 09/14/07
Interview Date- 11/01/07
Oath Ceremony - 1/24/08
Passport Applied - 1/28/08
Passport Received - TBD
So I was escorted into the room by officer Marston (female). We chatted about the weather and some other small talk on the way to her office.

She asked to raise my right hand to state everything truthfully. We got the civic questions out of the way right off the bat. No tricky questions at all, everything from the list, I answered the first 6 correctly. Then she asked to write down a sentence in English.

The we went over the file, question at a time. There were a couple of updates I needed to make. She asked me for my Selective Service Proof. Had some additional questions around the date of my marriage etc. I provided that information.

In my case, she did not check the approved box. She stated that she's not had time to look through my file and would like to do so. She assured me (for what it was worth) that it was mainly a procedural thing. Needless to say, I was not very happy with the outcome.

I started calling the 800 number after the interview essentially everyday (talking to the IO). About a week and a half later, I found out that she approved it and now the supervisor had to approve it. About a month after the interview, the supervisor approved it as well and I was in queue for an Oath Date. And a month later :), I was scheduled for an oath ceremony.

Hope that helps.

Sent N-400 application to Nebraska - 07/16/07
Receipt Date - 07/30/07
FP Appointment - 09/14/07
Interview Date- 11/01/07
Oath Ceremony - 1/24/08
Passport Applied - 1/28/08
Passport Received - TBD
I got the oath letter

I finally got the oath letter yesterday as expected. This has been a great forum. I think it is taking about two months from the date of interview to the receipt of oath letter. This applies for Indianapolis area and for those with no other complications. Thank you guys. You made the wait look easier.

My timeline so far

N-400 timeline Nebraska Service Center/Indianapolis
Priority date - 7/29/07
Receipt Notice - 10/6/07
FP notice - 10/12/07
FP appointment- 10/17/07
Interview Letter Received - 10/25/07
Interview Date - 12/21/07
Interview passed - 12/21/07
Oath Letter - 2/22/08
Oath Date - 3/20/08

will update after the oath