Oath ceremony in SF-Please advice!


Registered Users (C)
I need your advice... I am going to attend oath ceremony next week. I have two questions:

1) I need to take my girl with me since nobody is available to take care on that day. Ok to take my kid with me and sit together?
2)How long the ceremony will last from 9:00 a.m. to what time?? If I go earlier, I can get a certificate earlier too?

Your advice will be appreciated! Thanks :)
I attended oath in Tampa last week. There the oath was taken by 450 some members. I have seen some people brought their children. I depends on your kid and her age, will she be cranky away from home for long periods ? We left our kids with a baby sitter. So, depending on how many people are taking oath, it could be a long wait. But this is not like an interview, there is no one-on-one session or anything like that. So you are probably ok to take the kid.
Parking space

Thanks for your advice. Yes, there is a parking space. But, it's good idea to arrive there by 8:00 a.m. if your dad is planning to take a car. Otherwise, will be jam around masonic center.
You can find more info from the following link:
I took my dad to oath today, it seems to me as long as
you get in before 10 AM ( paper says 9 am is start time)
you should be able to get out before 11 am