NYC appointement Descheduled,Help Please


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My appointement for April 19, was descheduled yesterday:mad: . i called the USCIS csr, i was not given any reason why it was rescheduled:confused: .
I am really upset as i was intending to go on a trip abroad , now i don't know when the next interview date will be.
Do you guys suggest i go to the interview without mentionning the descheduled date?
i am really lost here, your help is highly appreciated.
Thank you,
ID:April 19,07
Location:Garden City(Long Island)
I heard sometimes they deschedule when your interview is before you hit 5 years. You probably applied 90 days prior. I am not sure if it is correct.
I hope it is not name check issue.

We have almost same dates. My interview date is April 12th in NYC.
My 5 year residency passed on March 22nd, no deschedule letters so far....
Good luck!
thank you for your reply, my residency requirement will be met by aprl 12, and my ID is april 19.
i am thinking to show up for interview regardless and try my luck.
any inputs or expriences?
thank you
My appointement for April 19, was descheduled yesterday:mad: . i called the USCIS csr, i was not given any reason why it was rescheduled:confused: .
I am really upset as i was intending to go on a trip abroad , now i don't know when the next interview date will be.
Do you guys suggest i go to the interview without mentionning the descheduled date?
i am really lost here, your help is highly appreciated.
Thank you,
ID:April 19,07
Location:Garden City(Long Island)
Sorry to hear that. The immigration officer who is handling your case is the one who initiated the de-scheduling process. Acccordingly, going to the interview at the original date will be useless.
There are many reasons why interviews get deschuduled.
- service center cannot locate your file
- security checks are not completed
- district office is backlogged with interview scheduling
- too early for the eligibility date
and so forth

Most likely what will happen if you show up - you'll be told to wait for a rescheduled date.
Well, if you want to show up but your name probably won't be called. When I went to to KC for my INFOPASS the other day I was sitting there and looked around and all of the sudden an older guy in a suite which looked to me like a IO called someones Name.
I personally recieved a piece of paper with a # because I only had an INFOPASS so I think that the IO personally descheduled your Interview or will be descheduling it and you might just sit there all day long waiting for your name to be called and nothing is going to happen.
Don't hold me on that though. Really don't. I am not a professional. It is only what I gathered by looking around 2 days ago,
I had my interview at Atlanta on 03-13-2007. My 5 year residency was on March 29th. It actually did not matter. I passed the interview and also took oath on the same day.

Maybe you can try to give your original interview letter at the reception and wait in the waiting room. Normally the IO comes out and calls your name. You can try your never know. You would not lose anything by trying.

TSC, Atlanta DO

01-04-2007 - PD
02-01-2007 - FP
03-13-2007 - Interview (same day oath)
03-24-2007 - Applied for passport
About few weeks back, there was a case on this forum where an applicant received the descheduling notice 2-3 days before the interview date. The person was also leaving for an overseas trip the day after the interview.

The applicant ignored the descheduling notice and appeared at the Do as instructed on the original Interview Letter, guess what happened? Interview was successful and the applicant did get the N-400 approval as if nothing had happened. Well, there is no logic that seems to work with USCIS. Note of caution though: The case in point received descheduling notice very late (2-3 days earlier than the scheduled interview date), here you have more that 20 days for your interview.

Hope this helps you in making an intelligent decision and good luck.
My appointement for April 19, was descheduled yesterday:mad: . i called the USCIS csr, i was not given any reason why it was rescheduled:confused: .
I am really upset as i was intending to go on a trip abroad , now i don't know when the next interview date will be.
Do you guys suggest i go to the interview without mentionning the descheduled date?
i am really lost here, your help is highly appreciated.
Thank you,
ID:April 19,07
Location:Garden City(Long Island)

equate hit it dead on, but more than likely it's because your background check has not been completed. That's what seems to be the main reason for a lot of the cases that get pulled off at the last minute.
Most likely your A# file has not yet arrived from the service center. Attending the interview when your file isn't available isn't going to be an option.
thank you all for your replies, i would also like to mention that the letter mentionned Federal Plaza address in NYC, when my interview place is Garden City.
confused really
i will try showing up on my interview day, i hope will be lucky.
any people who experienced descheduling please post your experience.
thank you
As far as I can tell, boatbod's right: mis-routed files seem to be the most common cause of descheduling.

My standard deschedule advice (I was descheduled for nearly 6 months at this time last year):

  • Wait 4-6 weeks to see if you are rescheduled - it sometimes happens
  • If that doesn't work, take an infopass to find out "exactly" what is going on. Ask as many questions as you can, get the immigration agent to request your file to go over it if need be.
  • Write a letter to the district director (you can find the name on the district office's web page) asking what is going on. In all likelihood, you will not receive an answer
  • Wait another 4-6 weeks
  • Get your congressman and or a senator involved.

You can search the forum and read up on my descheduling experience. Don't get discouraged reading it - I eventually took the oath!
i called the uscis 800#, spoke with representative, and i was told to go ahead and appear on time and make sure you don't miss your apointement.
i asked her if it was descheduled as i was told by officer before she said no such info in her system.
weird and confusing situation.:confused:
i called the uscis 800#, spoke with representative, and i was told to go ahead and appear on time and make sure you don't miss your apointement.
i asked her if it was descheduled as i was told by officer before she said no such info in her system.
weird and confusing situation.:confused:

Sounds like the experience referred in my earlier post on this thread. Go ahead hoping for the best, i.e. a successful interview experience (but be prepared if USCIS tells you on that day that it is indeed descheduled). I think it was Flydog or Boatbod who talked about 'Confuse the applicant' strategy of USCIS that seems to be playing in your case n400newyork.

Good luck to you and do keep us posted.
The district office is where the descheduling takes place. As far as the 800 number people are concerned, your interview is still scheduled.

My wife's interview was at roughly the same time as my descheduled interview, so I showed up (with my whole file, a suit on, etc). I asked my wife's DO about it, and she laughed saying something like "if you are descheduled, you aren't going to get an interview today".

You can try showing up - but don't expect too much.
do officers @customer service(800#) record the day,time when you call and what your question was about?
i did speak to IO couple days ago about the deschedule issue, i am afraid when i show up @interview(even though descheduled), i will be told about my conversation with CSR.
this whole descheduling situation is really frustrating as i have to go overseas soon(my wife giving birth).
thank you all for you help
I know how frustrating whole tis process, I had my interview and waiting for oath letter. Why delay, they have some files on me at national records center, they have to get the files and consolidate everything. I am also in the same boat, want to fly, my mom was diagonized with IV stage breast cancer, but I am stuck.

Be patient, show up, if they call you, well and good otherwise wait..