NY SESA ONLY : Response from SESA / Lawyer / Employer for Labor Certification


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It looks like that NY DOL has stopped issuing the status on Labor.
In order to track the progress, Can we post the reply from SESA - DOL only (If at all) Or Lawyer Or Employer ?
May be we can post the message in following format :-
Heading / Title = Reply from (SESA / DOL / Lawyer / Employer) ,
Message - actual message / description
Reply from Lawyer : Reply Date : 3/7/02

The NYC D.O.L. is presently processing RIR cases filed in March 2001. I am sorry I cannot predict the D.O.L.\'s pace between now and until they get to the May cases. We will let you know as soon as we get word from them.
One possibility is that they have lost all our application records.

In the worst case, we have to resubmit our applications.
ny dol

New york DOL is certifying/processing approximately 25 cases a day. This includes NOF and Remand.

I think they are going to process a lot of cases within the next 30 days. I dont think they have lost the applications or anything. They are deep into March 2001 cases and they have nearly processed all cases even thought there cases were received in july and August 2001.

I think they dont want to disclose as to how they are processing cases not serially but by the dot codes. They sure are upto something.
filled 3/31st, eb3,rir, N.Y. no news.

i heard the n.j. processing times for march, & from the last 2 mths its still 26th april, i dont think n.y is any better.

Now, you know they\'re not up to something. They\'re just swamped with the incomplete cases that were submitted in skeleton form prior to the sunset of 245(i).


James D. Mills
Attorney at Law