NY - RIR Any updates are welcome


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Hi ,

My name is das. I have applied for Labor last year . As per my lawyer my priority date is in AUG 2001. But the labor department of New Yory is right now processing APR 2001.
Please provide any updates on how much time it may take more or if anybody who has received approval for cases sent to DOL near that date.
My application was sent 21 Aug, 2001. Apparently it is going to be at least another another year :(
I live by the thought that it is much better to be employed without LC than unemployed with one ;)

Sorry to say that Newyork DOL is expecting to finish all April 2001 application by end of 2003. please check murthy.com updates for more info.
Hi guys,
There seems to be conflicting news regarding the current status of NY SESA and also by when the April'01 cases are going to be over.

SSS3 one of the guys on this forum, put this down the other day..

"NYC RIR May 01 Approved!!!!!!
Great news.. Now NYC RIR is doing May-01. "

So, I am not sure what the current status is and is the information regarding the April'01 cases going all the way till end of 2003 really true..HOPE NOT..!!!

If anybody has any further info. in this regard..please post.

Good Luck..

I spoke to my attorney the other day - and he is getting April approvals. He mentioned that he is still hearing year end for April 2001 cases. Hopefully, end 2003 as mentioned in the letter on Murthy.com is really a typo and the writer meant 2002.

If someone is getting May' 01 approvals - I think that is great, altough I havent seen that post anywhere. I would appreciate if someone could point that post to me.

NY updates

I found this at NJ thread:
Originally posted by Testing_Times
here's some info. from my attorney's site, guess its goin to be feb or march before they touch May 2001 cases.

November 1, 2002

Department of Labor Answers Backlog Questions

New York and New Jersey SWA

a. Please advise how many cases are currently in the State backlog.

"As of September 30, NY has 52,250 in backlog and NJ has 22,987 in backlog."

b. Please advise the projected time frame to complete the April 2001 cases filed under RIR processing

"NY is processing RIR applications for Professional workers that were filed on 4/30/2001, and the best guess estimate is that NY will complete processing of these cases within the next 3 to 4 months. NY is processing RIR applications filed for Skilled workers in the middle of April. Because the volume of filings increased towards the end of the month, NY cannot predict how long it will take to complete processing Skilled worker April RIRs."

"NJ anticipates that it will complete the processing of its April 2001 RIRs in January 2003."

Looks like we are going to excel in patience.
I found a lawyer's reply from another site

dated 11/15/02. It said the NY SWA received 39,000 LC applications in April 2001, and all LC cases will have to wait at least a year before processing per NY SWA. I think the latter part is needless to say as many people have waited that long already.
to sum up

it probably looks like end of dec., at the best and maybe end of jan/mid feb, for April 2001 cases for professional RIR cases. However, what we dont know is if NY SWA will wait to complete skilled RIR cases filed in April before it moves to May RIR cases fro professionals.

wait and watch I hear is the operating phrase for these times. :)
Prof. vs skilled

I believe the difference is between having a bachelors level of education versus no educational requirement but skills requirement. For e.g. the difference between a software engineer and a cook at a speciality restaurant.