NWD September interview


Registered Users (C)
Here are my details-

Packet 3 sent to NWD 06/19/02
NWD packet IV interview date 09/27/02

Others having interview please use this thread. Also August/July interviewees if you can update us about your experience that would be awesome!!!

When did you receive your P4? Did it reach US or was it sent to your local address in India?

i have not received the packet 4 yet, will be receiving it in august. i actually emailed nwd and they sent a reply about the interview date.

NWD recd my case on June24, but has not assigned a date yet.. Am hoping it'll be sooner, rather than later :)
email of nwd

indi-Infoseeker what email did you use? How long did it take you to get a response from them ? I have sent AC I-140 for CP on June 11, but no clue yet.
My packer 3 was sent to NWD on 06/12/02.
I would also like to know my interview date.
Can you tell me the email address to which you sent your request and what information did you have to provide them other than your case number and Name.

Received case number

Hi Monu and Dilwala,
I received a letter yesterday from NWD and they have specified a case number for my AC-140 case. My AC-140 application was delivered at NWD on June 28,02 and the NWD letter is dated July 2, 02. Hopefully, I will get interview date in September. I had sent atleast 5-emails to NWD to get a case number but they never replied to my e-mails. Also, e-mail address (mine as well as lawyer's) was specified in the cover letter sent with AC-140 case but niether of us received anything via e-mail. I am not sure if they sent a copy of the letter to my attorney or not.

Keep in touch Deepak

Deepak I suppose our cases are very similar. You are lucky you got a letter.

My papers were received by NWD on 6/11/02 but still no clue. They have not responded to any email. What to do ? I don't even know my case number.

Do keep in touch with me so we can follow each other's progress.
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got sept 5

case created by NWD 4th Jun AC140.

i called them on the 15th of July and got the interview date.

havent gotten the packet 4.
number and time for calling

i dont remember the number. i got it from this forum (im9999 gave it i think) long time back and put it in my phone!

i always call between 9:30PM - 12:30PM PST. Before and after no one picks up the phone. I constantly tried for 3-4 days before getting thru.
confirmed NWD sep 23

NVC review May 21 received at nwd may 29, interview sep 23, almost 4 months
has anyone received p4 yet, I am wiating to receive p4 b4 I book tickets
Packet 4 pick up

Is it possible to find out the interview date on the phone or email from NWD and instead of waiting here just go there and pick up packet 4 at the NWD consulate.

Can we get a duplicate copy there. How much of a problem will that be?

Gadhu did you get any acknowledgement at all?
picking up packet 4

i am not worried about packet 4. hopefully i will get it before i leave (around 15th aug). if not interview letter can be picked up by a relative and i saw a post sometime back on this forum with the entire p4 scanned. so we can alwys take a printout of that.
Re: confirmed NWD sep 23

Originally posted by svsarma
NVC review May 21 received at nwd may 29, interview sep 23, almost 4 months
has anyone received p4 yet, I am wiating to receive p4 b4 I book tickets

My interview is on August 29th and have not yet received P4. And I am leaving early august itself. I am hoping that I will be able to collect P4 from the embassy, if I do not receive it here before I leave.
indi, info needed ....

Indi, Is yours AC140 or regular CP.

Please let me know your case details.
I thought dates for August are only out.

gcseeker02 !!
gcseeker02 ,
you are right. they have posted only the august dates on the site but they do have a schedule of sept. dates too with them..
I sent them an email and they replied with the date. also mine is regular cp eb3 category.
