NWD Posted Nov Interview Dates

this seems to be becoming a feature about NWD !!!

They had missed the month of June too !!!

I hope this doesn;t repeat itself every 3 months !! :p

Congrats on ur interview ... all the best .
What type of case do you have?


Can you tell me what type of case do you have. When did you send your initial application to INS. When did it get reviewed by NVC and when did NVC send paperwork to delhi and when did delhi schedule your interview?


NWD Dec interview

NVC forwarded my case to NWD on 10/17.
whats the possibility of Dec interview, or Jan.
Please share.
appeal ....

NWD usually publishes the X month's date around the 15th of the (X-1) month ....

but they should be able to tell u the date over the phone or email around the 10th of Nov for Dec dates ....
I have actually been updating my info on cp tracker.. here are the details for those interested:

NVC sent to NWD 08/13 (NVC Sent it using DHL)
NWD Recive it around 08/26.
NWD scheduled appointment End of Nov.

I have a EB2 case

One thing that I found in my P4 is that they are asking for local pcc in the p4..
I think P4 in general has all info, usly directed to immigrants, i.e., family based etc originating in the home country.
I confirmed with US consulate in NWD, for those going from US, need only PCC from Indian embassy here.