NVC to Consulate.


Registered Users (C)
My case review was completed on 12/29. Automated Phone message at NVC is not updated yet on the status of the case.

Is it possible that my case will be transfered to Consulate(Chennai) and automated message not being update?

Any thoughts and experiences ....

details please


Can you provide your I824RD and AD. I read in other posts that your AC-140 has been denied at Chennai consulate which means you went through the I824 for your CP. Also, did NVC send a letter to you about your option to move from AOS to CP or just continue with AOS.

Thanks for your response.

as per my observation your case should go to consulate
on 8th or 9th Jan.

I can be wrong.

sai999, you are correct.

My case was sent to consulate on 1st december and the consulate had it by 8th Dec. On 8th when I called consulate, they said they had already received it.
Thanks for your inputs. If I need to make March Interview then my case has to be in Chennai system before Jan14 (based on trend). Since I have made some personal plans in India in March I don't want to miss to next month.

Regarding question on AC140 at chennai. Yes, they denied saying their workload doesn't permit to takeup my case. By that time my I824 got approved in 2months(I got Lucky). By that time I didn't file for I485. Mycase was forwarded automatically to NVC and I was asked if I need the same attornery to handle my case or it would be me. I didn't reply for that, so I was defaulted to my attornery.

Let me know if you need more detail...

AVM at NVC says forwarded to consulate on Jan-07-2004 to Chennai. Is there any possibility that I can make March Interview.

Thanks for all your inputs..

More than likely expect interview in March 04. MArch dates will be confirmed by 9th Feb. So if you wish you can call the consulate around 9th Feb to get a status on your case.