nuaghty boy


New Member
im from the uk if that matters.

i was at a festival last year and a policeman caught me with a joint in my hand. he took it off me and gave me what he called a verbal warning. when i asked what this actually meant he said absolutly nothing dont worry about it. he did seem genuine but i dunno if he was just trying to make me feel better.

well i would like to worry about it to just get this cleared up.

will this affect me trying to enter the US without a visa (on that waiver program thing). i was intending on going on holiday there next year. i will be there a few weeks.
thanks for this joe.

what does this cited mean exactly? im from the UK so i think we have different names for that kind of thing.

he did take my name but said it was only to be kept on record for if im caught doing the same thing in that county again.