NSC\'s way


Registered Users (C)
Many people in this forum has questioned why NSC do not process I-485 application FIFO.
I have the following explanation, believed to be more precise explanation that you can
get from II0, lawyers, etc.

Check you I-485 receipt and find out how many days did NSC say about the processing time. It seems that NSC keep their words in most cases and disregard whatever AVM said from time to time. People were not born equally, we have all kind of wonderful things nowadays and not in the 60. For older NSC applicants, including me, we do not enjoy much fun as compared to the newer applicants that has been approved much earlier than us.

I belived that NSC knew what they are doing, they was pressed hard from many organizations. When they looked at their pile of pile of back log, they have not come out with a better solution, other than quickly approved those newest applications since they promised to approve said 300~300 days and therefore shown some progress to public.
As for the old cases, NSC will not feel much guilty because you were told to wait for 450 or longer as specified on your receipt.
When you called II0 and asking why your case is still pending whereas other newer cases have been approved. II0 will immediately prompted to tell you that the AVM number is not correct or what ever reasons.
That is not true!

I can understand your frustration (assuming you are waiting too...).
I came up with a bunch of reasons for why NSC does it the way it does things(but no answers!!!)...but there are so many cases that were approved of MAR/APR 01 of which reciept notices say 540-590 days etc. But in reality it took only 10-12 months....

Hang on there! I know how frustrating it is if everyone else gets approved even though the applied after you....Your day will come!!!

question for farmingtonhills


I am not sure what you have tried to tell us. You said that you have "come up" some reasons "does it the way it does things" -- I do not know what this phrase means.
I don\'t agree either

My RD is 10/00, which makes my case over 500 days old. When I applied (EB3 Others), it was either 330 - 360 days or at most 390 days for my category to get approval.

So there is no truth to your theory. Besides for all those waiting long time in any given category at this time, there are others in the same category who had got approval long ago.. if your theory was right then those who got their approval should have been waiting too till now (i.e. most with RD of 10/00 have got their approval).

The bottom line is that it is 20% logic and 80% luck where INS is concerned. There are 3 categories... about 10-20% whom I call lucky and they get their approval real early, 10-20% who are unlucky and they wait sometimes for what seems forever, and the rest 60-80% who get their approval within 330 - 390 days... any further logic just does not seem to apply in any situation.
No Title

I think that NSC has made great strides as far as approving straight-forward cases. I don\'t think you will find too many people with RD/ND between 2/01 and 4/01 complaining. Most of these applicants have been approved/RFE\'d/Transferred to local center OR is pending due to being in one of the categories discussed below.

Let us consider the cases pending with NSC; the biggest group being those whose I-140\'s was approved for CP; but filed for AOS.
These my guess, are stuck due to procedural and beauracratic delays as there are different entities involved (INS service center, NVC, INS-HQ, Consulate) and we all know that there are no standard procedures with which these entities interact with each other and no one will take the initiative in resolving/improving these processes unless there are laws/legislations passed.
There is such a remarkable improvement in standard I-485 approvals in the last year because there were laws passed that put the heat on INS to reduce processing times.
Even in this group there is a trickle of approvals finally coming through.

Then, there was another group with RD from 1/01 to 4/01 who didn\'t get FP notices. I\'m seeing in this group, that not only are they receiving FP notices, but some of them are getting approval 4-5 weeks after FP was done. More evidence that NSC is trying to get it\'s act together.

So I think that going forward, I-485 applicants will be treated to streamlined processes and quicker approvals as long as they know the scenarios to avoid.

However, until the mess with some of the cases with RD\'s in 2000 and early 2001 are cleared there will always be people whose case is pending way past what NSC says they are approving and they are the unfortunate ones being in the wrong place at the wrong time (story of my life!!)

So, in conclusion I would like to say that though the "luck factor" is still there, it is decreasing rapidly and.. can we dare to hope that soemtime in the near future ALL cases are processed in true FIFO basis with proper procedures for every scenario that does not have any WAITing for other government agencies to react.

Here\'s wishing everyone who visits this forum good luck.

It seems like a nice story, and I don\'t think this happens in near future.

My wife\'s case was filed in Aug. 2000. We talked to IIOs 3 times so far. Every time we talked, we got different answers.

The senator\'s office (3 weeks ago) said to us that INS Nebraska is processing June 2000 cases.
One IIO said (3 weeks ago) the case is where it is supposed to be (I don\'t know if that was good or bad) and she does not want to disturb it (I guess the file was sleeping).

Today a male IIO said that it is not unusual with cases to be waiting for so long. He said they might be waiting for information from foreign consulate on this case and he said all the cases have to go thru this step. I don\'t know if this is really true. When I asked him, when would it be considered "unusual", he said Aug. 2002.
It seems that "waiting for information from froeign consulate" is an answer that no one ha

I was told yesterday when talking to an officer that they have not got all the information for my case yet because some information need to be obtained from one\'s home country and some agencies respond very slow. I really can\'t imagine how they would contact some agencies in one\'s home country and what information they would ask for. It sounds to me, if this is the way, it will not be a few months, it\'ll be years probably. In your case, do they mean foreign consulate of your home country in the US?
what I meant...

What I meant was about these theories that we are putting here....
I guess some of the comments made by nachos makes sense too. I think there are too many possiblities in each case approvals...and hence it makes sense to assume that there is no particular way...it could be just coincidence or human way of it....
(well I am not trying to simplify anyone\'s pain here...because I know the how frustrating sometimes it could be....I was there!!!)
question for NSC2000


cool down. I have my receipt in front of me and with Oct RD and Nov, 2000 ND.
It said 425~ 450 days. I did not say that is it imposiible to be 330~360 days. Chech your number and if it is indeed only 330-360 days, I am wrong.

Those number are count from the ND, not the RD. It is now around the number and still less than 500 days.
information from II0

II0 were trained to handle well on the commom question that we would ask. First of all, I believed II0 has limited access to information. Many time when you ask them about certain questions, the honest officer will tell you right away that he/she has not idea why ...

Of course if you file were mistakenly place in CP, your file will be delay. I believed NSC has tried hard, they has limited resource and the unnormal case obviously will be delay.
Give me a break

Usually I am not this bitter, but I don\'t belive that INS has limited resources. I agree that some cases such as I140 apporoved for CP type cases may take little longer.

But there are lots of cases which are plain & simple which are unnecessarily waiting.

There is only one explanation for all this is that being an government organization, INS has been an inefficient organization with lot of Red Tape. As there is no accountability so they can get away with inefficiency.

As far as IIO is concerned, I agree that they have limited information to give & I can understand if IIO tells me that he does not have any explanation for case delay

But What I don\'t like is when IIO gives some wrong answer/untrue type answer to just get rid of a caller. This is worst. This make caller more paranoid.

Bye the way please read following link. Who can say that INS has limited resources ,If INS spare its resources do something stupid like this


No Title

NSC has no procedure whatsoever. Their process is like shoot at sight( No Que sytem). It is worst than Indian Forest Dept.(considered to be the worst Govt. Dept.n India). NSC comes after this. I have no respect for them.
Number of days to process.....

Whatever days they mentioned on our 485 receipt notice is calender or business days?
calender or busines day?

This is a good question. I will think it referred to business day.
No Title

Do they contract several agencies in one country? If it is one contracting agency, why would they delay some cases? I don\'t believe that there is such a step. I don\'t know what the hell is going on? One IIO says, the case is in the right place. Does that mean it is in a shelf locked up??

Other IIO says the case is no unusual and that too he was speculating that the information from the home country may not have arrived. What is this? Don\'t they have a well defined process.

My wife\'s case has to be very simple. Her case is filed in dependent category.