NSC releases 08/2001 Processing times. More than half of July 2000 RDs still waiting !


Registered Users (C)
NS has realeased Processing times for August 2001. Per that, they have done initial adjudication till RD of 28th August 2000. What a good
    work ! you might think. They have changed the voice message also that \'it takes between 360 to 390 days to process..... "
If you check myladdor\'s immitracker site, more than 50% of July 2000 RDs are still waiting. What\'s the deal here?
Why does INS always give estimates like this. We can\'t confirm this with IIOs either, They will have something altogether different
to say !.

I will try to think of some reasoning here. First, those register in immitracker.com never ever “complete” their entry. So the best you will get in any given month is like 80% done. Second, a percentage of people might have got RFE, and therefore still now approved yet.

I am sure there are more reason to this, be optimistic, at least some Sep ND is being approved. (before Tuesday anyway)
RD in July

My receipt date is in July,2000 and I have yet to have my case assigned to an officer.
Guys, Can we do something about this?.

To speed up processing. Looks like they let us wait and proceed with later cases.

Per my lawer INS always leaves behind 20-25% of the cases in shelf. WHich they come back and process later. This is because they have to give a rosy picture to the higher ups to convince that they are workg effectively.
Wrirting to senetor/Congress men

Writing to senetor/congress men would be of any help?.