NSC Progress in Rupnet


Registered Users (C)
Damn this is frustrating. Being a March 02 case and to see April and May cases being worked ahead of Feb/Mar 02 cases. Feb/Mar cases have been drifting along for almost 3 months now, while clear progress is being made on April and May cases. I really preferred the linear way they were working for 2003 to what they are doing now.

The though occurred to me the other day that perhaps this was because they were working 2nd FP's for Feb/Mar and they felt they could make better progress on Apr/May because there FP's were still valid but this is not supported by the data, because most of the Apr FP's have expired as well.

What is is going to do is create more frustration down the pipeline, because at some point in time they are going to need to circle back to these Feb/Mar cases and this is going to frustrate the hell out of anyone who though that they were 'next in line'.

Don't get me wrong I feel no ill will towards any of the Apr/May cases they are being worked on ahead of me, and I wish them luck. Also before I get flamed I, when I talk about progress I am talking about 1st RFE or Approval. Also Also for those of you who have older cases than mine, most of you will already have recived an RFE. Also Also Also, if you have an old case and an RFE and say it is no big deal, I would say this in my own defence, no-one is getting approved without RFE's anymore (odd case maybe), so forgive me, but I will be happy to get one at this stage. Also also also also if you have an older case than mine and no RFE, you have my sympathy and I would applaud your approval (even before my own).
Originally posted by paulclarke1
...... Also also also also if you have an older case than mine and no RFE, you have my sympathy and I would applaud your approval (even before my own).

Here's one (RD 9/13/01, no RFE yet), and I am pretty sure there are more, who are in THAT boat. Your sympathy is heartwarming, but I'd rather have the approval.

norfesept01 - No contest. I saw your earlier note. Good luck with your congressman and the promised RFE.
Thank you, Paul. I really don't know what I was trying to accomplish by firing off that seemingly curt rejoinder. Maybe I was trying to counsel fortitude in the possible prolongation of this period of adversity to all those whose cases are not yet even within the official processing dates; maybe it was just a poor impersonation of a steam engine :)

Hopefully all you guys out there won't have to wait as long as I have had to.
I feel

nervous some times, one of my friend from same company he applied his 485 on feb 19,2003 and told got it approved by feb 1 st week(rfed in november,2003). Other friend today called and said his case approved (may 2002 from VSC). I really feel nervous about my case, what's wrong with me. This is not fair.
I am feb 06,2002

No Need to Be Nervous

There is no need to be nervous I think. It seems that the delays we are seeing are not due to anything in our own cases, we have just been caught up in some sort of resource shuffle. Yes it is not fair.
Actually, I think that NSC's current strategy

is to ramp up processing of a particular RD over a couple of months, peaking when about 50% of the cases have been touched (RFEd, approved or transferred), and then slow that date's processing down to a trickle, then move to a different date and repeat this process. I have seen this happen to at least 4 different RDs, partcularly mine, 5-21-02. That date has about 1,132 I-485s, and NSC has slowed its processing down to a trickle after having "touched" around 550 cases. They started processing in earnest at about 20 per week and in a couple of months were doing about 80 per week at its peak. They are now back down to about 20/week.

I can only speculate why they are doing that: because they want to give the impression to bosses/congress that they are not only processing old cases but have also processed 50% of all cases for much newer dates. Once they have reached the 50% mark, they make that claim and move to the next date until they can make the same claim and so on. This allows them to give a perception of being more efficient than they are and allows them to show that they are worknig on cases with all sorts of dat such that when a senator asks why are you still processing Oct 01 cases, they can state that not only are they doing that but that they have also processed 50% of all dates' cases through july 02.
Important lesson in life

Originally posted by paulclarke1
Yes it is not fair.

Who said life is, or is supposed to be, fair? The earlier we get rid of such infantile notions about fairness, equity and justice, the better equipped we would be to deal with life.

Take it from someone who's been around for longer than most who frequent these fora :).
This may be good news, if they are assigning different months to different officers, as the lazy ones will be forced to keep up with the faster ones.
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Re: Important lesson in life

Originally posted by norfesept01
Who said life is, or is supposed to be, fair? The earlier we get rid of such infantile notions about fairness, equity and justice, the better equipped we would be to deal with life.

Take it from someone who's been around for longer than most who frequent these fora :).

Important lessons for a sad life perhaps. Also I don't recall suggesting the process should be fair merely that it is not.
Sorry, pal

Should have quoted 'waiting_4_485' instead of you. Was just commenting on his lament that life was not fair, with the implicit underlying belief that it should be.

Levity aside, I do strongly believe that it is an important lesson in life. We can hope for fairness, but to be distraught when it is not, which in its very nature it not always is, is a recipe for being blue.
I don't quire understand clearly. But asking for fairness, doesn't mean that don't know how to deal in life. Let's say you are standing in the line for a service, and officer picks up some one in the back of the line and he serves him, how do you feel, do you ask, or just think that , oh ok this is the life and keep quite.

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