NSC processing time frame is now

Originally posted by Jack Hannah
420-450 days..can u imagine that..these guys suck suck suck...
Yes JAck,
I also check that today until y'day it was 390-420 and suddenly today it changed to 420-450 days.
I am waiting from my approval for a response on Sep 11 to INS.
I wondering whaz wrong with NSC and what is happening.
:confused: :mad: :eek:
Originally posted by Jack Hannah
420-450 days..can u imagine that..these guys suck suck suck...
Yes JAck,
I also checked that today, until y'day it was 390-420 and suddenly today it got changed to 420-450 days.
I am waiting for my approval, after my RFE response on Sep 11 to INS.
I am wondering, whatz wrong with NSC and whatz happening?
:confused: :mad: :eek:
Little ray of hope

I just saw an approval from RD 09/05/02 on rupnet.com. The person was approved on 10/10/02.

I see a light at the end of the tunnel.. it is either a light or is it a fast moving train approaching me :)
I thot so too,until a friend of mine called

the IIO yesterday,and was told that they have placed some new rules,viz "guidelines",and hence if you notice,no new approvals this week,after the columbus day holiday.
And so this is reminiscent of the IBIS delays we saw early this year.
ANd then today I noticed (and I saw some other user "piyali" start a similar thread,but I noticed this after I had posted my thread) that processing times have increased to 450 days.
SO I am nd 16th Oct 2001 (officially one year ,today)
and I am hoping I get some movement by March 2003 (450 days from ND)
Maybe more than 450 days, folks. I know this does not sound encouraging, but my case was RD 6/7/01 and still quite quiet out there, you do the math.

Well good luck to us all, I guess.

this is f**king hell, man...

we're just gonna languish some more, and nobody gives a rat's ass...
I give shit to 420 - 450 days thing. My case is now more that 550 days old and there is no news. RD/ND is in April'2001 and for nearly 2 months they are offically processing April cases, I have not seen single April approval yet.
Yes, I too noticed it yesterday night and was shocked... but today saw couple of August'01 approvals on rupnet and well that has lifted my spirits a little bit. Well, hang in there guys... and that is all we can do anyways :) Good luck folks

Hello MYX,

I am the same situation as you. My receive date is also 06/07/2001, but still waiting with a trouble. Did you call IIO to ask them what happened on your case? I asked them and my attorney a few times last month. No worth messages came back. My attorney even warned me if I pushed them too hard, they might transfer my case to local INS office. So, I am patient to wait this month. How about your case? Please share your experience. I appreciate.
July glut was cleared !!??

...but still Nebraska is way behind the schedule. So far they just finished August applications. The trend was # of applications drastically declined from July 01 to Sep 01 and continued until mid 02. They can finish sep 01 to dec 01 by end of october or early november. But these folks are notorious for dragging down the time. Do you think we can ever see GC process(485) finish in 6 months as Preseident promised in the election campaign? huh People are people, any where. Its tough to shed red tape .:confused:
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Not happy with NSC

My RFE response was recvd by NSC on Sept. 28th (RD-07/2001) and tomorrow was supposed to be the 420th day from my ND(08/2001). And now NSC comes back and tells me to wait for 30 more days because now it is taking them 420-450 days?!?!?!?!?! What the hell is wrong with NSC?
I don't get it. How pathetic can this govt. organization can be?
Five weeks from now the holiday season starts and nincompoops at NSCs are going to go for hibernation for a month and a half.
Who knows when will I get approved ...
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To 0607guys

Hi 0607guys,

I talked to IIO a couple of times and each time they said something different, but basically they said just keep waiting the case will be processed soon blah blah blah (that was 2 months ago and I do not even want to call them again 'cause it is useless). I think being their official processing time is April/01 now they have every reason to shut you up anyway. I will keep waiting until their official time is within our time frame then do something.

Good luck
Thanks, MYX

Thank you for your info, MYX. Hopefully, we will see the light before the end of the year.

Keep in touch!
do u think there's any chance NSC will

complete Sep 2001 ND by the end of this year?
They have slowed down even further....Earlier I had small hopes,that having Oct 16th 2001 ND,my case might be looked at by Nov..now ..I dunno..I just dunno
In Rupnet alone (and I think Rupnet is prob around 50% of actual EB 485 cases) there are over 75% of Aug 2001 RD people left.
May the Lord (whoever HE is to each one of us) bless us all..