NSC is slowing down again. Compare


Registered Users (C)
LIN with EAC. NSC is having two day's work week and rest of the time they sit and wait for DHS depart to take over so that they can get more time off for training. Looks like they love to slow down.

I have to agree with you.
2-day weeks is all they have at NSC.

Have you seen Vermont?!! They are approving tons of OCTOBER CASES with NO RFE every day!!!

What is NSC up to? Bunch of a%#*oles!!!
they had better not....hopefully it's because folks don't update straight away or too gleefully happy to update this site and rupnet.

guys/gals -
just a nice request - please whenever you touch down to earth after hearing those so coveted approval magic words, please update both threads (here and rupnet.com/immigration (which greaty-k has so nice and generously dedicated his site) with your approval information cos there's some folks like us out here waiting so ever patiently (after reluctantly, swearing, kicking, forced by our lawyers to take the happy pills to go chill out; :D) and we depend on these threads to guesstimate NSC's approval pattern or even know what's going on (I personally vouch there's no logic to their workflow; just pure luck). (dang, that's the longest sentence that i have ever written that i lost myself!! :D)

most of us have severe withdrawal symptons and end up severely depressed :D when don't see much progress or movement on the thread. frankly this is like my second home! (sad but true) and i think i speak to you guys online here more than my colleagues at work or even my folks (sadder still...sob, sob, :D :p )

Okie dokie, me signing off now for the night/weekend! you guys have a good weekend and next week shall be a good week for all of us nsc-waiters (popping another those happy pills...and muttering...:p :D )
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You are right


You are exactly right we are green card patients suffering with green card syndrome.

I visit this site almost everyday to get the updated info and I am doing this almost from 2 yrs as soon as I applied by I140.
Our laywers are just suckers. They don't know any thing, most of the times we tell them what's going with INS.

I Hope our happy days will come soon.

RD JUL 2001, 27
RFE Reponded NOV 14 2002.
sunissunny -

Your RD and RFE info is close to mine. My guess is we may be stuck with the same IIO. Hopefully the magic fairy will sprinkle tons of fairy dust on our pile of July RDs so that he/she may pick up our cases soon.

Geeze...I thought I was bad 'enuf' visiting this site daily :D :p , you are just as bad as me eh? LOL.... Poor July RD applicants, poor us!