NSC is moving?!


Unfortunately, there could be so many users in Rupnet that forget to update their status after their gc's are approved -- due to excitement :) . And even worse, there have been so many idiots not entering their RDs or NDs correctly so eventhough they update their status it just does not do any good.
One convencing approval today

from MI. This shows 12/17/01 rd and jan 02 nd. This could be an indication some rupnet posts for dec rd were RFEed in early July.
In the next few days, if it repeats the trend then we can assume
that NSC is opening some files. If we don't see any, then another
random incomprehensible pattern that NSC is adept in showing us.
Yeah I think it is around 10-15 mph, which is not enough, should be atleast 50-60mph to make us happy. :( :( :(