NSC AVM line


Registered Users (C)
Hello folks,

The NSC AVM phone number 402-323-7830 does not seem to
be working. I have tried it several time last week and this week
but it seems be be engaged.

Is this the number that is supposed to give automatic updates
on 485 status ? or has the number changed ?

I tried and got thru ...

I tried Wednesday at 17:30 pm C.S.T.

Try again ... maybe better luck? And you have the correct number, used for all cases.
welcome to nsc buddy

... been dialling those digits for last one year - get engaged most of the time ... dial during the day it almost takes 15 minutes of persistent dialing ... evening hours are easier ... usually get it in a couple of tries.
I have been hearing otherwise...

....On this forum.

There are many who got it within 2 monutes. Some even within 2 tries!

Any one who is regular on this forum, would know feedback from others here.

I have myself tried it, for me (using re-dial) it takes a few tries (8-15) and I get it.

According to Murthy.com updates..

1. NSC was supposed to tripple the # of ph. lines. (June / July end update)

2. NSC was supposed to increase the staff by 50 (which was 150 in the latest Aug. end post - I don't know which one was typo mistake - but I just want to be conservative, rather than over-optimistic - try being that with NSC!)
