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rafiq1, u r right? this process is a pain ... its like waiting for ever n ever!!
NSC-AUG2000-RDs Updated on 09/10/01

Please keep posting your missing(??) Informations in the attached AUG2000-RD Tracker.
Also, Please post new records.
Thank you again

CLICK below on NSC-AUG2000.txt
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did u hear anything on ur case yet? has the AVM been updated? wonder how much time it takes to approve a case, once the file is assigned to an officer and then to update the AVM!!
any ideas??
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domlur, did u talk to an IIO for ur case? it shud have been processed by now?
My details

RD: Aug. 00
ND: Sep. 00
FP: Feb. 01
Country: Other
LIN: 00-251
Sep. 10, 01: Transfered to local INS office in Chicago

Guys do you know what this means? What is the procedure for someone who\'s case get transfered? Why do they transfer the case to begin with? Please help, thanks.
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Did talk to an IIO this morning. He said my case was still pending and would send a message to the supervisor. Hope we see some progress.
God Bless.
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I checked mine yesterday and it is still pending. I didn\'t call IIO.

How do you know your case has been "Transfered to local INS office in Chicago"?? Did you call NSC or what? Please let us know in detail.

I have heard that some cases in a regular basis will be transferred to local INS Office. Somebody told that some little complicated cases might go to local INS Office too. I\'m NOT very sure. Anyways, talk to your Attorney. Usually they say it will takes a long time if it is transferred to Local INS Office. But then I know one of my friend\'s friend got approved in local INS-Chicago within 4 months (but according to www.immigration.com/processing-times/national.html or similar sites it says 730-851 days) So don\'t get panic, it should be thru soon for you. I might be incorrect in what all I say, Please double check with others too.
Thank you
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I did talk to an IIO yesterday and seems like 8/30/2000 is being processed!! I am not sure how soon they update AVM once the case has been processed! On this msg board I guess the last approved case for EB2 was 8/21/2000 - after that we haven\'t really heard of any approvals! The last thing we want is for them to change any policies \'coz of all these devlopments - God help us, please!! I will again talk to an IIO on Mon and let u guys know!! Just hanging in there ...
regarding transfer of cases to local ins off, I did read smthg in this web site: www.immigration-law.com and its what gajvar mentioned for complicated cases - wonder what they mean by that?? Anyway good luck .. we can understand the pain \'n sufferings!!
Why 485 Cases Are Referred to Local INS Offices?

from immigration-law.com web site:
Updated 09/08/01: Why 485 Cases Are Referred to Local INS Offices?

Service Centers have been referring some 485 applications to local INS district offices for interview before the 485 applications are adjudicated and it has been a puzzle to those whose cases were referred to the local district office raising a lot of speculation. According to the CSC, the INS HQ requires following cases to be referred to local disctrict offices:
Fingerprints rejected twice by FBI
Fingterprint has a positive response
Medical condition requiring a waiver
Jurisdiction (i.e., family-based case)
Does not meet interview waiver criteria
Principal alien\'s INS file located at the Local Office
Dependent alien\'s INS file locagted at the Local Office
Asylum applicant
Applicant under investigation
Has multiple INS file number.
However, not all cases falling under one of these criteria have been remoted to the local districts according to the experience of immigration practitioners. A good example is aging-out cases. Apparently there still remains some room for exercise of discretion in determining which cases to be sent out and which cases not.
It is nice to know that not all cases are remoted for the purpose of investigation. Those experiencing such district interview referral should not live in fear unless there is indeed a serious question involved in his/her case!
No Title

Thahk you GajVar and mv for your input, seems like bad news no matter how you look at it (getting approved vs. transferred to the local office). I found out by checking the AVM, it said your case has been transferred to the local office in Chicago on Sep. 10. Left a voice mail for the lawyer to see what he thinks. Any other input is appreciated.
mv. Info about calling IIO


People say talking to IIO is a BIG thing. Difficult to get line during day time and if we get, hold for a long time. Is this true? What time do u call and which time is the best? Looks like u have called them several times. But one thing, will the IIO not get irretated if u keep calling them again and again?? Please watch for that.... Anyway please let us know about the timings and details. Thank you mv.
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ya that\'s true ... its not easy to get through .. usually its better to call from offices as they have the ISDN line which ensures fast re-dialing and connection - u get the line after several tries, around 20-30 continuous tries one after the other. Calling once and getting busy signal and keeping it down to call again later doesn\'t help!!! what I do is keep one finger on button where I can \'cut\' and the other finger on \'redial\' button and thus the process of \'cut\' and \'redial\' goes on for 5-8 minutes until finally I get a ring and not that stupid busy signal!! And once you get, you gotta hold for 5-10 minutes before finally an IIO will be with you!! Plan for half an hour any time when u are sure no one will come to ur office!!!I have called them between 10-11 once and after 3pm EST couple of times!!
I think it really doesn\'t hurt calling them \'coz they are just the representative who have access to only computer records and can halp u with the status of ur application - whether its been asssigned to an officer yet or not! I have talked to 3 diff IIO\'s - one male and one female is very good to talk too and one more female is a bit \'khados\' :)
anyway I think u shud call since ur RD was 8/28/00 and a decision wud already been taken,hopefully an approval and not any RFE\'s OR transferring to local etc!! good luck...let me know what info u got abt ur case!!
NSC-AUG2000-RDs Updated on 09/13/01

Thanks mv for the detail informations.

Please keep posting your missing(??) Informations in the attached AUG2000-RD Tracker.
Also, Please post new records.
Thank you again

CLICK below on NSC-AUG2000.txt
pl update, gajvar

my info:
EB2; IND; PD: 8/3/99; RD: 8/30/2000; City: Cleveland

Also, how come RD with 9/6/00 is being approved and our with Aug \'00 is not yet heard of - was that case an EB1 ??
not assigned yet

RD is 8/3/00, IIO told me to wait, saying it\'s around that time

What\'s to be done next?
What does "assigned to officer" mean?

If a pending case has not been assigned to an officer,
does it mean that it has never been opended and looked at?

Is it correct that RFE will only occur when a case has been
assigned to an officer?
No Title

That\'s correct n8y..
that wud mean ur file is not yet opened if its not assigned to an officer - also u can get RFE\'s only if its been assigned/file opened!!
good luck and do keep talking to an IIO to get ur case assigned - only then can u move forward!!
**485 Stamping/Passport Expiration QUESTION?**

After 485 approval, should our passport be valid for an year to get the 485 Stamping
in local INS Office?? My passport is expiring on 16-JUN-2002. If I get my 485 approval within
a month, can I go to Local INS for 485 stamping?? I know I can renew my Indian passport
now(within a year of expiration), but then my question is "Is one year passport validity
required for 485 Stamping for Local INS Office??"

Also, is this information available in any website?? If so, please let me know. Thanks
Everyone, please check your passport validity....

I have sent a email to my Attorney. Please ask your attorney too or IIO if s/he really talks well.

Thank you