NSC - Approved


Registered Users (C)
Hi friends,
Its my time to say that my case is approved along with my wife, my daughter and my son. Yes, all of us are approved together.
Just got a call from my wife that she checked the mail and found the approval notices.
I am very thankful to the people on this board for their valuable contribution and I will continue visiting and helping other people on this board.
I never called any IIO. I did not receive any RFE throughout the process.
Here are my details

I-140 approved for CP. Did AOS.


My Hearty congrats to U and your family on the apporval of I 485, I wish to know when U came from India to USA for the first time, U came on H1b visa or F1, have U ever changed your status here in USA, if so pl let us know , since my case is with INS for more than 500 days in I 485 stage, I have not heard anything from them, no RFE or approval,


I came on H1 from India. Changed company (desi to desi employer) once only. I will prey for you and others. Don\'t worry, you will get it, everybody will get it.

Thanks for your reply AJJU BAHI,

I appreciate your reply, is that true if some one changes status here, will that process the delay in the approval of I 485. 2) Since I called IIOs INS, 4 times for the last 5 months, with that also effect in approving,

My details:
PD 12/98
RD 08/30/00
ND 09/21/00
FP 03/15/01
AD ??????? God only knows when,
waiting for more than 500 days, & some cases are getting approved in less than 260 days !! I feel happy for them who get approvals faster than mine, then What did I do wrong ??
Congrats!!! hey Ajjuguide.... Please "PRAY" and not "PREY" for others...... ;):

Me still waiting......

RD:- Aug 2000
ND:- Sep 2000
AD:- ??? xxxx
Hey Ramukesi.... U did only one thing wrong along with me..... applied at NSC... jus\' kiddin\' dud

Hey Ramu,

My dates are almost same as urs.....
PD: Jan 1999
RD: Aug 30, 2000
ND: Sep 20, 2000
FP: Feb 27, 2001
AD: ??? xx, xxxx
I know how it feels dude!!!
Sorry, Sick ofins !!!

I was also confused when I was typing !!
You know, today I am so happyyyyyyyy, can\'t explain !!! I am not doing a single thing right here also. Did lot of mistakes in code, I think I should a break and have a cup of tea in some desi restaurant.
So friends please excuse me for typo/spelling errors !!!

I will pray for everybody !!!

Ramu bhaiya

I have learnt from some previous posting on this board that if you call IIO, it is recorded. You know these IIOs are not highly qualified people. I personally think (others please don\'t feel bad) that calling these people and asking them about case status is wasting your time and wasting IIO\'s time too. This is U S bhaiya. These people will just verify whether you have all certificates or not, if not they will send RFEs, if yes they will read(?) it and if they can\'t understand it they will send RFE. (For example if they need somebody who knows the letters \'D\', P\' and you say that you know A to Z and can read & write A to Z, they will send RFE because they can\'t see D and P in your document). So my suggestion is, always give them what they want even if you have more knowledge don\'t tell them.
Also avoid calling them many times as it is recorded somewhere.

What happen to your I-140?

Do you have any idea where your I-140 is since you requested CP? What do you or your lawyer do to let INS keep your original I-140 with them? I requested CP for my I-140, too, but I elected to do AOS. So far, after 5 months, I have not got any call from NVC or lawyer about my I-140. I have heard that NVC will call me to confirm whether I want to do CP. Please share your experience. Thanks.

Hi aac,
I don\'t know what happend to I-140. When I received the approval of my I-140, we opted for AOS. I asked lawyer your question, he told not to worry about the CP. He received the packet III (or something like that) and he simply ignored that. I never faced any other problem and we did not wait for any call from NVC. I never received any such call.
Thats it.
