NSC approvals

01-274 equates to Aug22, 2001.

something like 274 days passed since federal year 2001(from oct2000) had started.
Thanks adjustee!!

thanks for taking the time and posting the info. I for one really appreciate it. We are totally in dark about whats going on and any credible info is truly helpful.
And as for newbee u can get lost or shut up or atleast stop discouraging people from sharing useful info.
Thanks adjustee for you post

I was wondering how you got this approval information. So far on Rupnet there has only been one approval posted after the freeze was lifted. I am hoping that there were more approvals than that and the people who have been approved have not checked their status lately.
Adjustee and everybody on this thread:

Doesn't the message "your plasctic card was ordered" mean that the case was approved a while ago? Maybe the cases were approved before the freeze. The ordering of plastic cards was not effected by the so-called freeze, right? So these messages don't really prove that NSc has started approving cases.
Hey adjustee, Take it easy dude... It was just an effort at some trivia. That is all. You don't know how I feel. To be concise, my hatred for the INS and it's unpredictability is beyond limits. Many of you guys have receipt dates somewhere in the later part of 2001 or in 2002. Think of those who had filed for their adjustments in mid 2001 and try to get an idea of how much they feel betrayed. The freakin INS went from dealing with cases with RDs July 31,2001 back to January 2001 in Aug 2002 and it took an additional 3-4 four months for them to come back to July 31 or Aug 1, 2001. Try to put yourself in the shoes of somebody who has filed in August and how he must feel. At this point I have no idea about your RD and hence can't comment anything on that. Not that I am trying to be critical or sarcastic.

I've seen too much in life and one has to learn to roll with the punches. Do not interpret this as an advice to be passive. But sometimes, things are out of your control. I used to be like you bursting out at anybody trying to be offensive. But think about it this way: What did you gain by doing that? Just an increased blood pressure and heart rate for the time you were typing the reply.

And amidst all this, trying to maintain one's humor is the best way to go.......

Hope this helps.

That's not necessarily true. You see this message for the approvals that require a new card such as an EAD or a Green Card. When this person's card is ready the message will change to one reflecting the mailing date of the card. I am saying this with so much certainity because my wife's EAD was approved on 1/8/03 and we saw a message similar to the one in question that day. The message read 'On January 8th after approving your case we ordered a new card.....'. The message changed to 'This case has been approved on January 16th and an approval notice has been mailed. If 14 days......' on 1/16/03. Needless to say we received the card on Saturday the 18th of January.
As far as my case is concerned(which was approved on 1/14), the message still says 'On January 14th after approving your case we ordered a new card......'.
Both these were EAD renewals requiring new cards. So, I am 100% certain that these are new approvals.
Hope this information helps.
