Now on Easy Tracker -a Realtime Approval Analysis -see the snapshot of approvals


Registered Users (C)
Click on \'Approval analysis\' in VSC Center at the home page and see the snapshot.

Please post your details for upto date info.
Its all dynamically controled programming. When 2003 comes I just need to change the home page from 2002-2003 and 2001-2002,like find and replace.
Rest of pages are all controled by homepage
Waiting for Approval
Thanks, Allow Moffication of EAC is my this weekend task. and ...

This week change plan on site is
a. Allow Receipt number modification and Force Formatting during entry. And breakup sorting of WAC.
b.Report of approval and filers Center/RD month wise ( Which I finished yesterday )
c.Password confirmation during entry. Currently it doesn\'t confirm password.
d. Request page on the site, so that you can place request and view what others have requested

Let me know
great job greaty--k!!!! Good work, this is so much better than what

we all tried to do in the past, trying to update everyone\'s info.

Thanks for the good work man!