Now Arnold won the gov, what's the impact for 485?


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I heard he is anti-immigrant, but as far as 485 is concerned, what will happen? better or worse?
Regardless of who is governor !!! we legal immigrants are screwed as noone cares, we just donot have the numbers like those who jump fences to come here, donot pay taxes. I am not against them, but we simply donot have the numbers and neither are we vocal enough.
Absolutely No difference

I don't think a STATE governor can set the policies of a
FEDERAL agency. Imagine the Governor of Vermont being
anti -immigration and therefore trying to stop 485 at VSC.
But VSC region includes a lot more states than just Vermont.

Federal and State is separate for the most part.
Originally posted by FI485
I heard he is anti-immigrant, but as far as 485 is concerned, what will happen? better or worse?

He himself is an immigrant so how come he is anti-immigrant?

He migrated from Austria if I remember in early 60s. Infact he should be more understanding in terms of immigration trauma....
but Alas!!! in those days things were much simpler no doubt..:)
yeah IMB101 is right

he is from austria. And he's against issuing drivers license to illegal immigrants
Originally posted by killerboy
Regardless of who is governor !!! we legal immigrants are screwed as noone cares, we just donot have the numbers like those who jump fences to come here, donot pay taxes. I am not against them, but we simply donot have the numbers and neither are we vocal enough.

killerboy is right. It does not make a damn difference for us whether it is Davis or Arnold. Law enforcement knows that these are law abiding individuals using legitimate system to be here, so they do not need to worry about us. It's the millions of fence jumping individuals that they are concerned about. B.T.W tk_tk, issuing driver's license to illegal immigrants is a stupid idea, and I don't think opposing that idea makes somebody anti-immigrant. It needs to be seen in coming months what Arnold has in store, but I swear, whatever it is, we cannot be any worse than we are now (waiting endlessly for our 485 approvals).
If arnold call off the bill to issue driver licenses to those Fence Jumpers, the BCIS will not divert the limited resource to it. which means more resource might be put on I485. make sense? just my guess.
I heard he is anti-immigrant, but as far as 485 is concerned, what will happen? better or worse?

You have to ask this question to his script writers.
Why would Arnold have anything to do with 485's? He is a state governor and Not the President! All he can do is deal with illegal immigrants in his state that is all! Don't really affect us in either way.
In general, Republicans are for legal immigration and Democrats are for Illegal immigration.

Most of the immigrants think that Republicans are against immigration and democrats support immigration, but obviously that's wrong. Republicians support legal immigration due to their close contact with the big corporates.
Arnold is fiscally conservative and moderate otherwise. He
thinks that illegal immigrants are a big problem to the nation.
But Republicans are fine with legal immigrants.

Right now Arnold faces task of fixing Kalifornia's economy.
There is 8 bilion deficit. If he is going to reappeal the car
tax then that will deny the state of 4 billion dollars in taxes.

So come to look at it...he is in more shit than we are. So that
will keep him busy for a long time. So even if he could have
done anything to screw us up , he just won't have the time.

DMV issues driving licences not BCIS.

BCIS does immigration not enforcement and is therefore not
concerned with fence jumpers per se.

Arnold can not help nor hinder. CSC covers Hawaii,
Arizona, Nevada and California and is a federal agency.
Originally posted by Edison
In general, Republicans are for legal immigration and Democrats are for Illegal immigration.

Most of the immigrants think that Republicans are against immigration and democrats support immigration, but obviously that's wrong. Republicians support legal immigration due to their close contact with the big corporates.

Not always true! Tancredo is a republican and he is against any immigration (legal or illegal). He and his buddies sponsored the immigration moratorium bill.

As for corporations, they don't care who does the work: citizens, immigrants or offshore workers. They only care the $$$.
Re: Yeah

Originally posted by OmGV
I485 is a federal process.

It is a federal process, but the person can greatly affects the process is LOVELY president, who thought that refrugees/farmers are more important for california than high-tech works, that's why we suffer the delay, right?

If Arnod has the vision that high-tech is far more important for california and USA than grapes, he can tell Bxxx, "be good to high-tech works, otherwise, those telent people will go back their country, and eventually outsource all the hightech job, grapes can't make california the fifth largest economy system in the world."

Ok, I think I'm dreaming.