Since it is mentioned in your yellow letter that you need to get te IRS Account Transcripts for the last 5 years, are you getting the same from IRS, or just taking your tax returns for the last 5 years?
Yes I have the transcripts already I got them a few months ago because I knew this was going to happen. I had an Installment agreement till December (when I finish paying my taxes) So at the time of sending the applicatino I said I OWED TAXES and therefore I think is the reson they want the transcripts. But like I said I Was aware of this and now I am just waiting for the transcript for 2009. I called IRS over 2 weeks ago and I still do not receive anything. They are ridiculous, If you owe them money they will send you letters every other day but once you pay them and you want a receipt or a letter they take their sweet time.
I also thought of going to my local office and try to get a letter from them where they state I have finished paying my taxes. we will see.
Good luck to all