Nov 2001 case Senator Respond


Registered Users (C)
I did request a help from Senator (MD) on July 7th and after two inquiries a respond I received last night was "still background checking". VSC received my RFE by Feb 17. I called FBI and they said their respond was transmitted to VSC on March as final.
Now, first does anybody know if FBI gives written respond? and if they do what is the procedure?
Second, if I get a written respond and transmitted to Senator, will it prove that VSC is BS ing (as usual) with evidence?

Any thought will be appreciated.

Thank you very much in advance.
which senator from MD did you consult for your case??

As i didnt get any help from Senator Mikulski office.

Is that senator's office is good in responding to our queriest??

As Mikulski office is not so good in responding to our queries as they put you all the time to voice message and then no body will return the call.

So if anybody is taking the help, please avoid going to mikulski office.
I faxed everything on July 7th and then followed up twice and got an answer last night on mail. I think it is VSC is delaying to respond even to senator. His office had to make two requests.
What I am trying to find out is what kind of paperwork I can submit to Senator that shows VSC is BS ing