Nov 2001 Case Approved


Registered Users (C)
Hello All,

My case and my wife's case got approved.

My CAse Details:

ND: Nov 24 2001.
FP done: Nov 3rd 2002
RFE: Aug 10th for Employement
RFE recvd. Oct 7th 2003
Approved Oct 14th 2003
Case status got updated only today.

My Wifes Case:
ND: Dec 7th 2002
FP: Apr 2003
RFE: Oct 7th 2003( More proof for marriage)

RFE recvd. Oct 7th 2003
Approved Oct 14th 2003
Case status got updated only today.
Hi hoho, COngratulations on your approval.
Can you share with us what are the documents you provided for more proof of marriage. I'm also in the same situation
RFE Documents for Proof of Marriage

. Health Insurance Letter showing Joint Coverage.
. Lease for the apartment showing both of our Names.
. Mortgage Application showing both of our Names.
. Letter from Bank showing Join Account.
. Letters that my wife got from INS, IRS and others showing the same address as mine.
. Voided check having both of our names.
. Copies of Wedding Pictures and other pictures taken here during various occastions.
. Airline Itenary showing our joint trip to my BIL's house.
. Passport pages showing Spouse Name Endorsements.
. Photo copies of credit cards that we have.
Thanks for the information hoho.
We also provided exactly the same info for my wife's RFE. RFE issued on Aug 5h, RFE received by INS on Sep 3rd. Still waiting...Hopefully they will appeove without local INS xer.
Hang In There

Hang in there. Your turn will soon arrive.
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