NOV 1999 Guys Pls Share your info.

Rajan Mani

Registered Users (C)
This is my Case Status. PD Aug 98,ND Nov.1999 FP March 2001

INS received my RFE response on 16 th of June and I haven’t heard anything from INS so far . My ND is Nov.1999.

Today My lawyer Called INS and asked about my case. This what INS told to my lawyer.

My Case is with an Adjudication officer for quite some time and Lawyer asked the IIO to bring up this issue to his Supervisor. IIO said he is going to do that and asked to check up with INS after two weeks. Same time IIO told there are lot of people on Vacation during this month. Hope I will hear something in First week of Sept (after long Week end).

Anything Else can do a Lawyer, apart from rasing the issue to a Supervisor?

Any Nov. 1999 people are waiting ? Pls share your info.
Another November case waiting

PD 598 ND 1199. Company name change case. Got RFE for Empl letter and paystubs and replied on 8/13. Waiting.
What was your RFE about? Did the AVM get updated propmtly? mine used to get updated very promptly.
Their sleeping on RFE responses makes me very nervous. BTW people are getting approvals as fast as one week also after the RFE.
Oct 99 Case...


My dates are as follows : EB3 - VSC

Prority Date - 09/28/1998
Receipt Date - 10/04/1999
Notification Date - 10/13/1999
FP Date - 03/08/2001
RFE Issued by INS for Employment Letter - 06/13/2001
RFE Recieved by INS - 07/02/2001
The AVM Says that the RFE was recieved on July 2nd. Still Waiting for Approval...