Nov 01 case, inquiry response from VSC


Registered Users (C)
About one month ago, I called the BCIS, and they initiated a status referal inquiry to VSC. And today, I got a letter from Sandra T. Bushey, Acting Center Director of VSC. Looks like a routine and useless message was bounced back.
Here what it looks like:

The processing of your petition/application has been delayed. All petitions/applications received by this Service are required to have routine security checks that are resulting in delays of the adjudication of petitions/applications. As a result of the lack of manpower to complete the checks in a timely manner, we have no control over how long these checks will take. We can give no definite indication of when they will be completed. We apologize for the delay.
For future status inquiries of a petition or application at this Center you may want to utilize our ...... or visit our web site at....


Sandra T. Bushey
Acting Center Director

Anybody else recieved the similar stuff? And what else I can do?
Hmmm .. mine only says "Your case is pending Service consideration".
Hmmmm.... :rolleyes:

You should copy that email and send it to your congressman. Emphasize the phrases "lack of manpower" and "have no control over how long the check will take".
i hope some one could teach her how to write a proper letter . How come they have the manpower for approving cases in March.,Apr,May ,June 2002 and no manpower for working on cases got filed earlier than Mar 2002 ? just stupid reply . shud consult with all thses reasons with congressman.,senator
Probably you should contact a senator

You've got good material from VSC to make your case. Maybe it's time to contact a senator.

Wish you goodluck!
I received letter saying " ur case is pending with VSC"

Your lucky to get a long response from VSC atleat u know what they are doing now. I am anticipating my approval around next year first quarter or may be more..
Originally posted by ppp234ny
About one month ago, I called the BCIS, and they initiated a status referal inquiry to VSC. And today, I got a letter from Sandra T. Bushey, Acting Center Director of VSC. Looks like a routine and useless message was bounced back.
Here what it looks like:

The processing of your petition/application has been delayed. All petitions/applications received by this Service are required to have routine security checks that are resulting in delays of the adjudication of petitions/applications. As a result of the lack of manpower to complete the checks in a timely manner, we have no control over how long these checks will take. We can give no definite indication of when they will be completed. We apologize for the delay.
For future status inquiries of a petition or application at this Center you may want to utilize our ...... or visit our web site at....


Sandra T. Bushey
Acting Center Director

Anybody else recieved the similar stuff? And what else I can do?

I got the exact same letter - But its FP checks.
Please ppp234ny Post deatils about your case

Like When was your Second FP and RFE Dates It will give a better idea

Mine is RD JAN2003
FP2:SEP 2003
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