Nothing happening! ND:03/19/01; EOM

be patient

i am in the same boat, and all we can do is wait.
I will even bet you that I am 100% sure, you will be done before me.
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My thoughts

Is your last name spelled as “Zuo”? I am asking this because of my hypothesis which may be able to explain why nothing happened to your case:
In TSC, files were put into groups/batches based on filing/receiving dates or month(s). Let’s assume that TSC put all files received in March/April 2001 into one group/batch. Then WITHIN this group, files were arranged, PHYSICALLY, in alphabetical order. This physical location is very important to when your case will be assigned to an IIO. Because it is the physical file, not the data in INS computer system, that is assigned to an IIO. So if your last name starts as “Z”, your file will be put at the end of the batch. This hypothesis can explain the many variations of processing times on cases filed within a short, close time frame (one or two months). This also can explain why sometimes husband’s and wife’s cases got separated, because they don’t have same last names. But children always have their fathers’ last names, so it is very rare that children’s files got separated far away from their fathers’.
This is my two cents. I don’t know whether it is right or wrong. If you guys are interested in this theory, we can explore this further. And it is easy to do so. Just reveal the initial of your last name and maybe we can find more clues. Of course, this theory cannot explain the misplaced and mistreated files. BTW, I don’t think PD or FD is important at all at the 485 stage. Thanks,
Scary Message but goood analysis!!!

My last name is "Zuo". On any sorting name list, I am always at the bottom. I do not like this but who I can blame.

Your analysis is very good. If this is true many Chinease people will start worry about this since many Chinese last name starts with X, Y, Z. Hopefully, this is not true but on the other side your analysis makes a lot of sense. You are a smart guy!

Again, really there is nothing we do to TSC. They are the KING!


if someone wants to convince him/herself that there is a system, be my guest.

approvals of cases submitted in march 2002 refutes any system theory.

I still bet that the original poster will get his approval maybe one year before me.