Not a US residnet yet, but want to get a loan which....


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requires me to be a US resident. Many of you probably heard of the website: I've actually already listed an ad, and it looks like I will get funded. However, I don't know how it came to my mind, but I thought the loans may be only available to US residents, so I called the customer service today to ask. Unfortunately the rep said only US residents could get funded indeed.

The thing is, I don't know how they can figure out that I'm not a US resident yet (I'm in a pending status, name check pending, argh!!) In fact, I don't even think they care for the least bit. After all, all they want is to get more users to use their system.

So here are my questions. Is it possible for me to get in trouble IF somehow they figure out later or it gets found out through other ways (ex. IRS)

Also, is it just not possible for non-US residents to get loans in the US, or is it just this website?

Any answers/advices would be much appreciated!
I definitely do not think residency is a requirement for all loans. Anyone can get a credit card after all, which can be used as a high-interest loan. I just got a mortgage and I am not as far along as you (no interview yet). The lender I went with asked for a copy of the receipt notice for my I-485 and a copy of my current visa. Other lenders asked no questions about my residence status.
Thanks for your response, running_swede

I actually thought so too about other lenders' requirement of being a US resident or not, but would you have any thoughts to my main question? I honestly think I won't get in trouble for doing this, but at the same time, I don't want to have ANYthing that could possibly haunt me in the future.
What kind of loan you are trying to get? Is it for a house? If you have 20% downpayment, you can easily get a loan here. If you have 30%, you don't even need a social security number.

There are plenty of programs for people without permanent residency status in this country.
When you registered at the Web site, were you asked if you were a U.S. resident? Did the customer service representative say that you needed a green card? Remember that you can be considered a resident for tax purposes even if you are here on a non-immigrant visa, so U.S. resident could just mean that you need a U.S. address in this case. I am just speculating, but unless you are told that you need to have a green card, then I am not sure you are doing anything wrong, but I really do not know. In the end, I would be surprised if you would get into trouble so long as you honor the terms of the loan.
I'm not talking about that website, I have no clue about it. All I know, as a mortgage broker in CA for six years, that if you are talking about a home loan, you CAN get a loan even if you are non-resident allien here. It all depends on your downpayment.

As far as lying on the application, you probably won't get cought, however, if you do, the punishment is severe. Especially if the loan is government insurred. It'll boil down to bank fraud, not a good thing and not worth it.

What you need to do is to learn creative ways to use credit, including lease option contracts, loan assumptions, seller cary backs, etc. These forms of "private credit" allow you to buy the house even if you don't have a social security number or established credit, and keep the loans off your credit report. Go to for starters, there is a ton of info.

Good luck.
SlowJedi, I am addressing immiportal's question, which is about getting a loan from I am asking him if he was ever asked if he had a green card. It is not clear from his initial post that "resident" equals "green-card holder" in this context.