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Does anyone have a program to split a large file into smaller ones? I found some freeware on the net but wasnt sure if they are safe.


ar888: I will request the deletion of this thread as soon as I receive an answer.
I am not sure for what purpose

you would like to cut the large file into small file. If your intention is to store the data in a floppy disc, the AxMan software splits the file exactly to the size of 1.44MB so as to save to a floppy disc.

You can download the software from the following address for free..

if you have a large mpeg file then you don't split it you burn it on cd or better yet DVD. hope mpeg file is worth 25 cents :D.

pgc i was not sure what kindof file you wanted to piece meal, thought it was a ascii, so i suggested split.
Originally posted by patienceGC

Does anyone have a program to split a large file into smaller ones? I found some freeware on the net but wasnt sure if they are safe.


ar888: I will request the deletion of this thread as soon as I receive an answer.


It's not just me :) , there are two others moderating this particular forum. Also, getting technical help is fine as long as the threads/posts doesn't contain offensive language and/or regional/political/racial discussions.
split file

Winzip or pkzip will do it with appropriate parameters.
pkzip is more versatile with the -e0 option

I have used NTSplit and also another program called 'KFK' - got it off of download.com.

let us know whcih of these options you like the best..