Non-immigration related - travelling overseas with PP stamped?


Registered Users (C)
Am I worrying too much? Or is it wise to wait till getting the plastic before jumping into adventures? I have been waiting for years to visit places but can't do because of the gc processing and its difficult to restrain myself!

I never did it myself and so can not speak from personal experience. But, the stamp on your passport is explicitly for this reason that you should be able to travel unhindered until you get your plastic. So, travel on a GC stamped passport is safe enough. In any case, until you get your plastic, carry the relevant documents (or in some cases their copies) so that you can answer any questions at the POE.
How long to get plastic nowadays?

Palaniappan Rajaram,

I noticed it toook a while for you to get you plastic ??


I its ok to travel with PP stampled I am planning to go to India with a stampled PP

Any clue when we i may get card with a PP stamping on 08/11/03
I have a move planned ....

I have absolutely no idea why it took that long!!! As you can see, we were approved on Sep. 12, got the passport stamped on the 25th. My wife got her plastic card on Nov. 10th and it took me SIX months (!!!!) to get mine.

I called VSC about 3 times to enquire about it. It so happened that my file (a complete one by their own admission) made it to the card production stage but stopped short of getting into the computer that actually orders the card. God knows why! All the people that I spoke to mentioned the same thing over and over but were unable to tell me why.