Non Immigration - Job search related!


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I know we all know hundreds of websites out there publishing jobs. Most of the positioned applied are never responded(like several positions in for example).

Is there any websites or recruiter websites that you know of that has produced results - like you got a job thro or someone of your friends did ?

Thanks in advance for the reply..
Personally - I have had no result from any internet job sites. The only way to get a job these days is proabably personal networking with headhunter's or friend's in IT because nothing comes out of HR black holes.
A tip

A friend of mine gave me this tip.

She browses the top internet job sites and collects different consultants names (head hunters) that specialize in the domain that you are interested in. Then she approaches these consultants directly and publishes her resume. This she says has helped her even during this lean period.

Good Luck!
Try searching jobs in local Sunday news paper as they carry genuine ads. All internet job sites are bogus and its a waste of time to post resumes to them. Also try calling headhunters personally, it may work out.
Out of curiosity ....

Why would reputed job search sites such as post
"Bogus" jobs ? Isnt it deterimental to their Business ?

I liked the Sunday Newspaper idea. Reminds me of
the Thursday/Sunday edition of Times of India
It may not be entirely dice that does that. One possible explanation is that some companies send out job requirements as feelers to see how the job market is and what type of response they get so they could tailor the future requirement appropriately.. Some other companies just fill their database with potential hires so they could contact later. This is what i hear.
It may be hype


It may be the reason that there may be one requirement and several headhunters gives ad for the same job. If you observe in these reputed websites, you can observe the same job description has been posted by different headhunters. The main requirement company may send their requirement to all of their vendors and the vendors to the sub-vendors and probably most of them publish on the net the same requirement.

This is my analogy..
My two cents....collecting headhunters names and sending them resumes instead of applying directly to the job add works MUCH better! The reason is, headhunters collects a certain fee from the company who is hiring. So, if you already have sent the resume to the company directly, the headhunter won't send it again, as they gain nothing from it.

The reason I prefer headhunters more is because, they have connections in the company. As the company trusts them, you will be more likely to get a feedback/phone interview this way.

The job ads in Sunday papers are also similar to applying directly to the company, which in most cases does not yield much result.

Once again, this is just my two cents. Going through headhunters yielded much beneficial result for me in much shorter period of time.


You are absolutely correct. During April 2002, there were about 12 postings in Dice, Hotjobs, Monster from different companies about a requirement in Portland. The job description is very much same. The requirement was at Nike. Nike gave the requirement to its petty contractors and they inturn sent to their own vendors. All of them posted about this requirement. Later I understood that Nike withdrew that requirement.

1 requirement - 12 postings - so many applied - some probably interviewed - None selected.

Isn't it a pathetic situation????

- Bob
Originally posted by sam99
Try searching jobs in local Sunday news paper as they carry genuine ads. All internet job sites are bogus and its a waste of time to post resumes to them. Also try calling headhunters personally, it may work out.

That's not true. I've posted my resume on reputed sites like Monster and HotJobs. I got my current job due to my resume posting on Monster. HR looked up my resume on Monster and contacted me. I had no clue that there was requirement in this company. Same with my previous job. Ofcourse, luck, geographical location, nature of job, etc. play a big role.