Nominate Don Neufeld for Ombudsman's Annual Report to Congress

Project Ocean E-MAIL Campaign #8b
to Mr. Prakash Khatri
the Citizenship and Immigration Ombudsman at DHS

Target Number = 30
The project Kashmir weekend report of 4/4/2004 will not be posted unless this target number meets.

  • kashmir
  • wac-02-068
  1. GCDreamz
  2. 140_takes_4ever
  3. kadamtal
  4. Shapath
  5. nam29
  6. ben2000
  7. gc0299
  8. ruxrux
  9. toonarmy
  10. gcpro
  11. solarise
  12. yuk1200
  13. FI485
  14. rk4gc
  15. brokenarrow
  16. hussein
  17. AverageJoe
  18. theWarrior
  19. mango_pickle
  20. Jitup
  21. wac098
  22. lareds
  23. raojii2003
  24. sri3440
  25. KKJ
  26. amdavadi
  27. roydebox
  28. needgc123
  29. ganesanc
ONLY 1 to meet the target !!

Project Ocean E-MAIL Campaign #8b
to Mr. Prakash Khatri
the Citizenship and Immigration Ombudsman at DHS

Target Number = 30
The project Kashmir weekend report of 4/4/2004 will be posted soon.

  • kashmir
  • wac-02-068
  1. GCDreamz
  2. 140_takes_4ever
  3. kadamtal
  4. Shapath
  5. nam29
  6. ben2000
  7. gc0299
  8. ruxrux
  9. toonarmy
  10. gcpro
  11. solarise
  12. yuk1200
  13. FI485
  14. rk4gc
  15. brokenarrow
  16. hussein
  17. AverageJoe
  18. theWarrior
  19. mango_pickle
  20. Jitup
  21. wac098
  22. lareds
  23. raojii2003
  24. sri3440
  25. KKJ
  26. amdavadi
  27. roydebox
  28. needgc123
  29. ganesanc
  30. timesa
Congratulations !!
We have met the target !!

Of course, you may still send e-mail to Mr. Prakash Khatri.
My friend who had a receipt date of 15th Dec 2001 got GC

Hi All

My friend who had a receipt date of 15th Dec 2001 got I 485 approval his 2nd fp and rfe 3+ weeks earlier.

BJP Sunnyvale
Prakash Khatri's reply

Thank you for your interest in the Office of the Citizenship and
Immigration Service Ombudsman.

I have received your comments. Please be advised that your input will
be reviewed during the preparation of my Annual Report to Congress.


Prakash I. Khatri
I have just received a reply e-mail from Prakash I. Khatri:

Thank you for your interest in the Office of the Citizenship and Immigration Service Ombudsman.

I have received your comments. Please be advised that your input will be reviewed during the preparation of my Annual Report to Congress.


Prakash I. Khatri


Anyone received the same?

By sending a good number of emails for the same cause we made a point. Thats what is important. I wish there will be a positive outcome from this compaign. Its good to see so many people participating in this compaing. Keep it up.

Lets get ready for the next ...
Congratulations !!

Originally posted by rk4gc
By sending a good number of emails for the same cause we made a point. Thats what is important. I wish there will be a positive outcome from this compaign. Its good to see so many people participating in this compaing. Keep it up.
Lets get ready for the next ...
I have received the same reply from Prakash Khatri, too.
I believe every participant should have received the same one.

Congratulations again !!

However, we have to follow up.
I plan to reply to him with Cc: to my representative so that we can immediately affect the CSC.

Any suggestion would be welcome.
same reply

It looks like we got a standard reply.
I got the same text message than the one published by Hussein.
Let's see
Received same reply

Thank you for your interest in the Office of the Citizenship and
Immigration Service Ombudsman.

I have received your comments. Please be advised that your input will
be reviewed during the preparation of my Annual Report to Congress.


Prakash I. Khatri

Lets hope that it's really conisdered.

Project Ocean E-MAIL Campaign #8b
to Mr. Prakash Khatri
the Citizenship and Immigration Ombudsman at DHS

Target Number = 30
The project Kashmir weekend report of 4/4/2004 has been posted.

  1. kashmir
  2. wac-02-068
  3. GCDreamz
  4. 140_takes_4ever
  5. kadamtal
  6. Shapath
  7. nam29
  8. ben2000
  9. gc0299
  10. ruxrux
  11. toonarmy
  12. gcpro
  13. solarise
  14. yuk1200
  15. FI485
  16. rk4gc
  17. brokenarrow
  18. hussein
  19. AverageJoe
  20. theWarrior
  21. mango_pickle
  22. Jitup
  23. wac098
  24. lareds
  25. raojii2003
  26. sri3440
  27. KKJ
  28. amdavadi
  29. roydebox
  30. needgc123
  31. ganesanc
  32. timesa
  33. linda_2003
Congratulations !!
The target number has been met !!

Also, we have received a reply.

Thank you for your interest in the Office of the Citizenship and
Immigration Service Ombudsman.

I have received your comments. Please be advised that your input will
be reviewed during the preparation of my Annual Report to Congress.


Prakash I. Khatri