Nogales April-3 8:00am

Q & A regarding Nogales Area

you have mentioned in the posts that after interview we cant be inside consulate or near it so if we go to nearby supermarket or walk around town nearby is it safe, I meant security wise, because my appointment is at 8 am and if they give visa back at 3pm that’s a long wait…so can I cross the border back into usa and then come back around 3 pm again into mexico or do u suggest hanging around inside mexico just in case…im just concerned about security, like mugging and stuff..because as u know my car will be parked inside usa and I will be walking with all my important docs, incl passport and money and cash all that….please advise…also is it good to stay previous night inside mexico in a hotel u have mentioned or is it better to stay in nogales in the hotels u have mentioned…thanks again very much…

The place is secure enough, but will be hot during April-May. Dust like in India. You can imagine that place to exactly like Uptown Hyderabad, the only thing different is that we don’t understand Spanish . You will carrying the docs which be very heavy; so walking up the elevations turns up to be very tyring.

Going back to US meanwhile? How are you planning to go without a passport? Consulate will retain the passport for stamping. You will get that only after 3pm. I had $600 in cash with me all the time I was in MX, no problem.

Staying in hotel in MX depends on how comfortable you are in staying in MX overnight. There is no reason to stay in MX overnight. Stay in AZ overnight and cross the border in morning. Eat breakfast before going to MX. We ate the complimentary Breakfast in the Best Western. Owner is a desi (nice man). If you are not from AZ(Hot states) remember to drink lots of water to avoid dehydration.