No use of having Green Card....

Frankly, in my opinion, what u said are totally BS!!! yes, Bullshit!

you make those recruiters and human resource people sound stupid. my experience is quite different. if they won\'t sponsor H-1Bs. they would check to make sure u r not on H-1B before they interview you. i don\'t think any company would be stupid enough to interview you before they check your status. if they interviewed and told you later that they were looking for ones with GCs, it simply spells that you are not qualified!!! don\'t cheat yourself! I interviewed with many good companies when i was on H-1B and i never failed! yes, never failed, i got offer from every single one of them last year and this year! i got my GC approval in April, and before that i had 3 offers at hand! i joined one of them immediatelly after i got my passport stamped. but i hated the company after i joined them. the management is messy and people are not well taken care of although they have money and they still hire people. but i decided to leave. i sent out my resumes again in may.yes, it is much tougher than before, i could schedule a bunch of interviews last year after resumes went out in a week. but this time , by the end of June, i got only 3 interviews and 3 offers, yes, as always, everyone of them extended offer to me after interview. i switched again. 2 new jobs in 3 months!

if you can\'t get a job, it is nothing to do with GC or H-1B. yes, economy is slow, but did you check how many H-1Bs have been used this year? nobody would think that the h-1B quota would be used up this year, but it seems it will be comsumed! companies are still hiring lots of h-b1s, it is the fact! don\'t cry here.

no job offers? it\'s your own problem man! my company is an excellent one and still doing well, it grow from 900 people to 1200 in last 4 months and still hiring! oh, gee, i have not been here for a while, but i just hate such BS. lol. sorry!

and one more thing, you stated that you had dozens of offers when u were on H-1B and they turned you down after the offers were extended? come on, give me a break, i only heard that happened to some new college graduates. i don\'t think any people else except you had such experience. you could get dozens of offers when u were on h-1b and you couldn\'t get one after you have green card? what a joke! man. get a life. it is tough but not so tough, even after i joined this new one i just mentioned, i still got calls inviting me to interview. man , go study hard and make you resume look better. be well prepared for the interviews, well, although i personally don\'t think that anyone could be well prepared if he/she doesn\'t have the right stuff! LOL LOL LOL
No Title

 i like the last point... add one more...
- have the wife work at mcdonald\'s, so you get free burgers...
No Title

Hi Folks,
Lots of interesting messages have been posted so far here. GC will obviously not add to your skills to improve odds of getting job. According to my manager "Silicon Valley is a place where you find street name Technology Drive, people have licence plate labeled UNIX, companies ranging from backbone router vendors to NIC manufacturer, you just name it and its there. And if you can\'t find a job here, you should better change your religion"

All the best and stay focused.
No Title

I am sorry but I completely disagree with you CSC485485. I have 200% peace of mind after I got my GC. It looks like getting GC was very easy for you. That\'s why you are saying this.

Like others mentioned, Job is not the only thing. GC will help you to do better in your existing job also. You need not worry about getting laid off now..... Even if you get laid off, you can work in Mc Donalds, BK or any gas station and keep your life going for some time. Don\'t think Software Job is the only option for you. There are N Number of options out there using your Green Card.

With a Green Card, mainly you need not worry about your Immigration Status as long as you plan to stay in this country. I think its a big thing. Many people go out of status just because they don\'t know much about the Immigration rules.

You must be happy that you are out of all these trouble with your GC.

Hope you understand this and be happy with your Green Card. It is really freedom. Enjoy the freedom.......

Poor GC Holder---give him a break

Guys give him a break...

I am sure he must have learned somethings from all the messages, I am sure he will do the right thing and be successfull.
GC Holder.. keep working hard and keep the faith, you will find a job soon. Ups and downs is part of life. Sometimes
things happen to make us stronger. You will do great..

O.K guys..I agree GC gives more freedom and more benfits...

I have got couple of offers which are really good and never got in
my 5 years US experience.

I was little frustrated before , becasue i did not get any response. Now I have started getting more and more offer than the response also.

And also in this kind of economy , it helps lot. I don\'t know why they are turning down H1-B applicants. In this two offers specifically they asked about my visa status. After I told , I am holding GC , they were more relieved than me. At that moment only I realized the importance of holding GC guys.

Now I tell you , whatever we go through to get GC pay-off in this kind of economy. even When the economy was doing good, my field was doing well , I didn\'t get this kind of offer. Ofcourse I did not try
much before as i did now.

I agree with all pro-GC points....enjoy...