No update on 2nd FP case


Registered Users (C)
Did my 2nd FP 1st July. No update on UCIS site yet. I had heard that I can call some FBI tel no to figure out if they sent the results back. Does anyone know that number

ND: Aug 02
1485_applicant said:
Did my 2nd FP 1st July. No update on UCIS site yet. I had heard that I can call some FBI tel no to figure out if they sent the results back. Does anyone know that number

ND: Aug 02

Me and my spouse did 2nd FP last week of June, mine was not updated yet though spouse FP results were updated on 7/9. I tried to contact FBI yesterday it was too late. I was not able to talk to anyone. You can try the following number: 304-625-5590
Good luck!